Will they still be in-game after spooktober? I actually like playing as a jelloperson.
Not as of now, they are currently just a jellyrace for the spooktober months
Do they have any unique features?
They’re blood is different than normal peoples
- Anything that would deal toxin damage (for example, Plasma) will heal toxin damage instead.
- Slimes will never attack them.
- Able to speak the slime language.
- Has slime jelly instead of blood, which is toxin if ingested by others.
- Take half burn damage from any source.
- Can grow limbs back using their slime jelly “blood”.
- Has slime lungs, “vacuole”, which will regenerate blood (jelly) volume when breathing plasma. Still needs oxygen though.
I would love to keep as I really enjoy being one and its much easier to be one at round start then waiting for xeno to help you
you can go bug xenobio usually 20 minutes in for some slime mutation toxin, then you will pray for jellypeople
They should take damage from fire extunguisher
Thats good idea since they take 3x more damage from cold!
I would love if jellypeople stayed as a normal race. They fit all the criteria of a good, unique race and if they’re a little OP just need some additional downsides. They suit the station’s plasma research especially.
I second the weakness to water (not just fire extinguishers but showers and ingesting water as well)
I’m definitely not biased by a love of slimes one bit
Jellypeople are the same thing as slimepeople tbh, youd need to do something about xenobio before adding them first
Solution is to make the permanent race a simple jellyperson
Slimepeople can split into multiple bodies and jump between them
Stargazers have telepathy and can add others to their telepathic networks
Luminescents Glow like ethereals and can use special powers by absorbing slime cores.
Permanent version could be it’s own standalone with none of these three powers, so Xenobio would still seek green slimes for mutation.
End result race:
- Partial immunity to plasma floods
- Immunity to slime attacks and able to communicate with sentient slimes
- Lost limbs regenerate when you have enough “blood”
- Requires special medical care since most medicines will be toxic
- Easily lose limbs in fights that other races wouldn’t due to “blood” loss
- (If added) Weakness to exposure to water to go alongside slime flavor and to counteract immunity to heat
Limbs don’t get disabled via damage, they disintegrate into nothing. Pog.
Point is you can lose limbs even if you’re fighting someone that targets your chest.
Or even better, just have Sec drain your blood to nugget you
That is a good point. The race that’s designed to lose limbs then get them back later
It’s unique in all the right ways to be its own race if we remove the three defining attributes that make up the individual subspecies
Jellypeople as they are currently would be a good roundstart race year round. There might be some balancing issues, but any issues are pretty minor. The race itself has enough drawbacks that make the one or two buffs they actually have balanced. to my knowledge, mutation toxin, and not the one from xenobio, is the only way to become a jelly person, and its harder to obtain than slime person toxin.
I like the idea that they should be weak to fire extinguishers. It falls in line with the fact that moths and flypeople are weak to flyswatters.
The only major drawback i see is having another race that Medbay has a hard time with. Medical already has a hard time healing plasma men, and constantly leave IPCs on the floor of medical. It isnt crazy to think they will just stick anti tox into jelly people, because they do already occasionally.
Regardless, its a good idea. Jellypeople are less buff than some of the other roundstart races as it stands currently, and honestly I dont know why its disabled. A lot of people seem to like playing them. We would need a naming convention for them though, for roundstart random names. I dont know if they have one or not.
The only reasons slimes get given anti-tox is because slimes are uncommon and not talked about on the medical wiki. The only mention of it is the xenobio wiki, which most doctors don’t read because it’s unrelated.
If slimes became common, this problem would fade away.
Medical doesn’t struggle with plasmemes/slimes, new players do. We are a new player server, expect there to be, shocker, newer players. Teach themmmm :))))))))))))))))))
I dont play medical, but I understand this. I get that bee is a new player server.
I like that you didn’t mention IPCs because ngl I’ve seen people who regularly play CMO not even look to check if its an IPC before putting them in morgue
I’ve been an IPC a lot and I understand the pain of having a doctor not understand how to care for you - it’s part of the risk in picking an unusual race and I honestly think it’s a good part of the game as a whole even with the feelsbad moments.
I’m gonna go ahead and make a suggestions thread with polls on various aspects before I start pestering coders.
Link to poll: Permanent Jellypeople Poll + Potential tweaks
I remember I was doctor and my IAA target was a slime person. He came to the hospital and nobody knew how to take care of him. I fed him some charcoal and anti toxin. I flushed him down the disposals and said “slime person”. CMO nodded and walked away.