What is your most smoothbrain moment in SS13?

Becoming a server host


similar story but instead of suffocating i got maxcapped by RD in spess


My first time playing nuke ops. I didnt know how moving in space worked, so after I made a grand speech about getting disk and destroying Nanostream, I proceeded to space myself with no jet pack on. I ended up in Z level ( which i didnt know at the time), and all this time i was dead sure that thats the part of my mission. As it turns out, the rest of my team died shortly after landing in the station, and they were orbiting me for like 20 minutes when i was taking my sweet time exploring abandoned ships.


oh that’s funny lol


Turned the vacant kiosk into a methlab and started working, after making ephedrine my brain went unga and I started heating it up. After hitting it with an igniter for about 20 times and wondering why it isnt turning into meth I realised that I forgot to add the rest of the parts.

I also forgot that I was working with now heated chemicals.

Added the rest of the chems and before I realised it my little lab went boom.