I am bored, and would assume several other mentors are too. I would like to share my knowledge, but there is a drastic shortage of mhelps as new players are not directed towards the button, and are instead told “fuck you.”
If you want a given forum guide to be written, reply to this post with what you want you want a guide to be written on, and if I know, I’ll write it. This can also be used to meme, it’s in general, I’ll probably reply with a meme guide.
Guide: How to roleplay as a scientist.
Guide : How to find a good gimmick for a round as antag or non antag
Coming soon
If I knew, I would tell you.
i still have yet to see a guide to command, so maybe that might be neat to look into?
I explicitly dodge command roles, I don’t like the responsibility and would be afraid of fucking up.
extremely fair
Guide to cooking anything but human meat.
I don’t actually know if we already ahve one or not, but a guide for what Botanists should grow on an average round (what plants are used in multiple recipes, what plants can be eaten on their own, that sort of thing) seems like it’d be useful.
I’ll cover the recipes bit on the chef guide, but if you lack a chef is a good guide. I’ll consider it.
A bartender guide with every important drink and its benefits (quad sec, doctors aid, etc)
How To Nerf Mining: The Guide
Optional step zero: Be ruko
Step one: Ping powerfulbacon on discord to see what bit of mining he likes least today. This knowledge will help you construct a pull request that is likely to be merged.
Step two: (coding guide goes here)
Step three: Now that you have your code, you’ll want to make it a pull request. Optionally, but strongly encouraged, the pull request should be labelled as a balance change, and not a nerf. This camouflage will assist it in hiding from angry miner players. This will be made even more effective if you throw in an inconsequential buff alongside the nerf broadside you are unleashing upon “the least interactive job on the station”
Step four: If anyone complains about your balance changes, no matter how questionable they may be, you can simply claim that miners are 100% self reliant and far too powerful in a PVP situation. These ideas can be made more convincing if you truly believe them, and the best way to accomplish this is to simply not play the game and convince yourself that the unenlightened masses cannot make the judgement call.
Step five: PR merged, mining nerfed
How to be funny guide
how to be happy
Wanna write a guide on it together?
Quartermaster roleplay guide
(the joke is you cant roleplay as QM)
In depth HoS guide if you dare. Which is by extensions a security guide. Which is by extension a guide to all antags.
How to measure the volume of irregularly shaped objects using differentiation.