How long have you been playing ss13?:
Since about April 2022
Who vouches for your experience (if anyone)?:
I am not entirely sure, but ive had continually good interactions with people like: Lolus, Angus, Vasiliy, Mia, Lars, Rita, Raspberry, Varo, Ella, Sandy, Joanna, Lungo, Phoenix and others. I cant say with certainty how they think of me. but i like to think that i am not totaly despised by them.
Game Experience (More Detailed):
Been mostly doing Silicon, Engineering and Security Jobs. And via assistant promotions had a toe in pretty much every role at least once. Medbay is pretty cool too, though personnally i dont find science very interesting so my knowledge there is lacking.
There are Toy Donk Co. Cryptographic Sequencers. Make sure to check whether yours is authentic by shift + left clicking its sprite. And whilst i am not 100% certain on this certain doors can have their electronics reenforced and so may prove resistant against Emags.
You can lock a firelock as a silicon either just clicking the small read rim their assemblies create around open doors, or as a non silicon clicking said rim with your ID. Assuming you have the required access to do this. Otherwise use the Firealarm button found in most hallways and some rooms. It is a red Frame with green and red buttons.
Firstly you should always make sure to read the rules, this server is generally Medium Role Play so try to stick to your character as best you can. Keep in mind that there are always Mentor Helps for gameplay questions, and Admin Helps for Rule or other questions. They are there to help you so dont be afraid to make use of them. At the begining i recommend playing assistant and looking for a department with a few other people in it, try and find someone there to teach you the ropes. Once you got a bit further ahead feel free to just stick to whichever place you like best.
But mine is real, I bought it from the uplink, it just wont work!
I would suggest showing new players what keybinds they need to use to talk, and how/why to use LOOC to ask for help aswell as where the mentorhelp button is.
Emags have a total of 4 charges, each will take 30 seconds to restore. If you used it on other objects in the last minutes it may simply be out of charges for the moment.
I take it those hands mean a job well done?
sure. Use B to unbuckle from seats or handcuffs. Use V to lay down on the ground. use B when laying down to roll on the floor, this will help you put out yourself if you are on fire. use T for Chat, x to switch between your hands, and r to throw. Check all other hotkeys and keybinds by clicking the help button in the top left of your screen.
Wong. You cannot lock the firelock with an id, you can however lock a firepanel if you have right access on it by alt clicking said panel. To lock a firelock manually as a crewmember you have to use crowbar/jaws on said rim.
Well, You gave me reason to tease Bombyx and your other answers are good so Iâm gonna give you +1.
Extra question:
How do I change colour of my uniform?
There are plenty of spare jumpsuits in various colors found in the dormatories of most stations. The supply may vary from station to station. Otherwise the clothes Vendomat also sells jumpsuits and many other clothing items in a large array of colors. Other Otherwise you can i believe spray yourself different colors using spray cans printed from the cargolathe.
1.- How can I get a urinal cake?
2.- I have my bikehron ready for my popout cake, but it wont let me create it. What am I doing wrong?
3.- What can I do as a mime?
4.- Can I create death nettles without getting in trouble for powergaming?
5.- How can I make Ian sentient?
the ones i remember are Firetruck, Monstertruck, and Walther
If you know the crime someone commited you can check the handy beepedia page provided for space law. a Category 0 is ussually a fine, a category 1 a 5 minute sentence, 2 is 10 minutes, 3 is 15 minutes and 4 is permanent or if ordered execution.
I am not sure at all but i know that the glow trait can be set to different colors and that if theyre set to a low enough value they will subtract from the light around them.
I believe by alt clicking on a urinal in the stations bathroom
you might not have all ingredients nearby you to craft them. Alternatively you might need a golden bikehorn instead, but i am not sure.
As a mime you can be a sidekick to the clown, be the arch nemesis of the clown, you can talk, you can place invisible temporary walls, and you can be more robust than half of security put togeth er
Itd probably be 201 or 101 assault charges deppending how grievous the injury required for the kidnapping was. Though i believe you could also argue it is 305 Hostile Activity, since crews being prevented from working is definately in direct opposition to nanotrasen. Though be careful to only sentence someone for a single crime. Dont add the times of 101 / 201 ontop of 305.
I believe you do it by clicking the icon of the mutation in the top left of your screen
WELL (crackles knuckles) Lets see if i cant throw in a few questions for you! đšâżđš I wish you luck, hope and having nothing but faith in you!
1.I was thinking of building a Mech with some BRM-6 Missles, are they lethal?
2. Me and one of my friends in the game want to be a little silly, is it fine to kill each other if we donât bother the rest of the round?
3. Im trying to make a bomb, but when I mix Potassium and Water I just explode?? I tried mixing in stabilizing agent but i still went boom! how do i do?
Iâd be sad to see my status as newest staff gone, what feelâs so soon but I would love to have you! So I hope the application goes well, and the questions help to find the fit!
P.S : Not that your answer was wrong here
There are plenty of spare jumpsuits in various colors found in the dormatories of most stations. The supply may vary from station to station. Otherwise the clothes Vendomat also sells jumpsuits and many other clothing items in a large array of colors. Other Otherwise you can i believe spray yourself different colors using spray cans printed from the cargolathe.
but didYOUknow that some clothes can be put in a washer machine with a crayon to dye their colour? Any by extension animals, since they count as ahatyou can achive similar colouring results?
ive never had to get one so this was my best guess
See above
Well you can break your vows of silence, but you will lose your mime powers for at least a time. Just incase the security accusations about a murder you didnt commit get too outrageous.
Which is made from the pink slime extract afaik, i dont play xenobiology though.