Voxel model poll 2 : sons of liberty


Additionally turns out Super12 seems to be at the head of the liked posts for Lizards, so I guess that means he’s getting bumped up in que to 3rd place.

Here’s the Model que So far.

  1. Taylor Fisher - COMPLETED
  2. Martin Spess - Phase 1, head completed, Phase 2 Clothing, Phase 3 wings and Phase 4 Satchel are Pending.
  3. Topith-Jeer - TBA
  4. Roomba - TBA
  5. Nazuux-Raj - TBA
  6. Has-Many-Faces - TBA

1 apid research director, an eld, fated request, delivered as promised.

“Apid and Moths often try not to crush the bases of their wings with their backpacks, in the case of the more recently discovered Apids, their wings are smaller and lower, thusly they remain straighter and do not bend to gravity like cloth as a Moth’s does. In this case the Apid’s wings rest atop the worn satchel.”


Judging by how many folks have modeled them, when it comes to the station’s reptilian types I AM THE LIZZARD KING!

You may notice the legs, in my modeling world, inspite of NT’S best efforts, even the best postured Lizard folk still have a slight digitigrade.
co-opting the banter of the mad assassin lizard “Skies-herald-floods”, describes it most aptly.
you can’t fight nature Jeer.


I love their little tie

that’s not a tie, just the joining point on what I interpreted as a button up shirt.

Oh! Apologies, at a glance it made me think of a tie.

yo this is sick, we should totally port SS13 to 3D

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I’d be pretty well happy to provide the models I make to em for next to nothing.

Are they still active or mortis

They don’t use voxel style though :pensive:

and it’s in unity which is kinda bleh when Godot exists.

Hello again Bee station, turns out I need to download another set of PDA sprites because we updated them DAMN quick from what I was using just a short while ago.

In the mean time, I’m somewhat disappointed with the model I already made, part of me thinks it’s too chonky, but for the purposes of making sure what I make is in good faith to the in game sprites, I’m inclined to put up one of my favorite things, another poll.

this will be in regards to various design aspects of the PDA for it’s remake in 3d, your feedback in regards to this is appreciated.

  • Slim - between 4 voxels thick at most.
  • moderate - 5 voxels thick at most.
  • THICK BOI - 6 or 7 voxels thick at most.

0 voters

  • Ovoid - all corners and edges are rounded off, think Tamagotchi
  • Cornerless - corners are rounded off on all sides
  • Rounded - Corners are rounded off on sides pertaining to the top and bottom
  • Jagged - no corners are rounded

0 voters

  • Flush lights and buttons - Buttons and lights do not extrude off the PDA and are flush with sides they are on
  • Flush lights - Lights on the PDA do not extude off the sides they are on.
  • Flush buttons - Buttons on the PDA do not extrude off the sides they are on.
  • Extrudeing Lights and buttons - buttons and lights extrude off the PDA and are not flush or indented to the side they are on.

0 voters



Burnout moth

I am declaring it, I’m taking a break from da voxel modeling, just not feeling it right now so yeah this thread is probably going to close.

I’ll still be working on the characters submitted but those will come at a later date, probably in a 4th installment of the general Voxel Model thread.

In the mean time I’ll probably be up to some spess ship mapping and sprite work, if not just playin the game.


Take your time to relax and clear your head, creative burnout sucks and is a massive struggle! Sometimes its better to just relax and play some games for a while instead of trying to do something else creatively

you know what sucks? I’ve been meaning to play the entire halo series on MCC but my controller has some Knarly stick drift since I dropped it twice, I’ve been messing about and trying to fix it, I think I’ve nailed it down to a pair of springs on the internal being over stressed but honestly regardless I’ve not genuinely played anything outside SS13 for a while now.

I’ve been having a great time but I really just wanna play through the games to get that ol’ Trilogy + reach feel but with the drift there BY FUDGE it DOES NOT feel right.

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The halo series is unironically the best thing ever and playing it growing up was an experience, sounds like a great way to spend your burnout honestly

The bungie stuff is great, a reminder of what awesome story telling, sweet music and good gameplay just instills in someone.
The three things that break my heart about Halo infinite are ;

  • The campaign felt abit indistinct in some places and too cagey in lore in others.
  • The Multi-player Desync still sucks (but a fix is likely in the works)
  • I know there are folks who genuinely Love Halo in 343 but BY THE LAWD IF THE CORPOS/UPPER MANAGEMENT DON’T LOVE [BLAM!]ING UP THE SERIES IN DUMB WAYS!

Additionally I have to sit back and listen to Holy songs of our great Covenant when I think of the Slanderous Heresy that is the “Halo T.V. show” that offends all who walk the path.

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