Varo ATTEMPTS to gain BENTO for the SECOND time

Your CKEY: varo10

Your Discord: not needed

How long have you been playing ss13?: May 2023 or so

Who vouches for your experience (if anyone)?: Whoever feels like doing it

Game Experience (More Detailed): Close to 1600 hours. Most of them clown hours. BUT, I do have played security, service, medbay, cyborgs and cargo too. Other than that, I’m a contributor to the game and know how to codedive AND have access to debug stuff on my pc, so I am able to respond to stuff I may lack the knowledge to respond in the first place. My weakness is everything atmos and engineering related. With science I think I could defend myself a little bit more though, but it’s a departent I do not play.

My last mento app was denied because of my behaviour and stuff. Since some amount of time now, I’ve had less and less problems both IC or OOC. I do have a ban from october last year or so, but that was a lapse of judgment in a particular moment where I thought I had reasons to do something I did not. I’ve stopped a lot of behavioural stuff that was not ideal from my side and both my discord and in-game records have been clean for some time now.

Oh, and I really like helping people out, whenever I see someone new I tend to sunk a good chunk or my entire shift into teaching them stuff and making them have a good impression (I even have an admin note that says that :> hehe )


The Clown Comith

Varo you’re one of the people who made a very active and considerable effort to teach me the game, and be nice while doing so.
My first week i was spared from any Clown Shenanigans, and once i was finally warmed up to the game you pie’d me right in the face… then tought me how to wash it!
Just an example but has been so much you showed me, tought me or even jokingly brought up that has still been helpful feels weird to now be the one weiting on your application.

Before the quesrions just want to say that for what is worth I do vouch for you. I truly do think you’re goinf to be more then knowlesgable enough, given last app at very least but will find out with questions. And ive never had a personaliry issue with you either, so as long as you continue to be great i donf see any issue;

As For The Application Questions:

  1. So im playing Botony (here since roundstart) and like, i just started setting up for gimmick using the rooms space but apparently BitchMcBotinist is mad. Like idfk, how do i work with this bozo better and not ruin all the time i spent prepping[corg station so no extra botony room and im not using holodeck, fake soil has 8g bluespace waves and youre crazy if you think im eating that]
  2. Am robot *beep. How do i refill my light replacer without use of HANDS ?
  3. Honk! How Do i Set up Singulo ? then how do i ensure it goes out of control and SLURPS the station. Thanke.

Good Luck Varo. I dont necessarily think you need it, even if atleast one of those questions is unfun. Like i said you’ve already got my vouch, and would love to get you my +1 as well. There’s no rush, so take youre time. I look forward to seeing what you come up with <3

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Hohoho, if it isn’t the silliest clown. That’s a lot of hours since then, although it’d be nice if you posted your job hours. I think you being accepted is mostly out of mento’s hands (in a good way), but I’ll still ask my questions!

  1. Have you read the non-admin staff conduct?
  2. If you don’t know the answer to a question, what ways can you get the answer to? (Searching the discord, knowing what’s right/wrong on the wiki, code diving, running a private server, etc.)
  3. You get the mhelp “How do I get a “powerpack”, the laser rifle’s magazine?”. How do you answer and how did you get that answer?
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  1. Some other mentor you dont like (lets call him therealsooock) is talking shit about your non-mentor friend stevenminecraft in the mentor channels, including making fun of IRL details he has mentioned on the server. Do you tell your friend steveminecraft? How do you proceed?
  2. How do I reach max companion level with Mombyx Bodesta?
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  1. You are the only staff on the server, when someone mentorhelps a question you don’t know the answer to. Something about obscure xenobio buggery. What do you do?

  2. You are the only staff on the server, when someone mentorhelps the following.
    “Am I allowed to murderbone as an ascended heretic?” How do you respond.

  3. You are, again, the only staff on the server, when someone mentorhelps the following.
    “Am I allowed to murderbone as an outed heretic?” How do you respond? (Your answer may or may not be different from the above question, this is not a typo)

  4. You are with another mentor on the server, but are occupied with intense clown-based combat. While you are occupied, the other mentor recieves a question they do not know the answer to, but you do, and asks for help in mentor chat. Assume that stopping to type will mean an unknown fate, up to or including round removal. How do you react?

How do I blow up brig

  1. How do I order null crates?

  2. How can I get bluespace crystals without going to lavaland?

  3. Help I’m dying but nothing has attacked me!

  4. I’m an antag and the clown won’t stop getting in my way and slipping me, can I kill them?

  5. How do I plasmaflood?

  1. I inserted my IC into a BMI but it won’t run when implanted. How do I get it to do anything?
  2. I put an injector into space but it is not outputting anything, help, the SM is delamming.
  3. Help, someone maxcapped medical and all the pipes and wires are messed up. How do I make sure I got everything connected?

How did you get the answers to question 2 and 3?

I would probably escalate to ahelp this, looks like something an admin should manage and not me, since it’s an IC issue related question.

You need to go into a recharge station! They are found in robotics, usually in the mech bay area.

Henk! If you don’t want it contained in the first place, you just need the singularity generator and a particle Accelerator (both can be found in Cargo → Engine Construction). You need CE or Captain access to open the crates. Mount the particle accelerator following the reference image on this page Singularity and Tesla engines - BeeStation Wiki and then turn it on facing a singularity generator and there you go, loose singulo. If you want the singularity to go into a specific place, get a singularity beacon, called "suspicious beacon"on the upllink.

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I have now read the Universal Conduct, the Mentor-Specific Conduct and Legal and Operations Policy

  • Wiki
  • Codediving in VSC (ctrl+shift+f and searching for whatever I need)
  • Opening a debug server usign VSC
  • Asking in mentor channels in discord

My answer would be “There is no normal way of getting them since you can not get the laser rifle’s without admin intervention”
I got the answer by searching “laser rifle”, seeing mag_type is /obj/item/ammo_box/magazine/recharge, searching that in the search bar and then after some codedibving and opening a debug server I have not seen anything that says that you can print/get those in round, nor they appear any map where they are located. The only other matches are for CTF and the service pistol. Those mags do not spawn anywhere normally.

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I can not disclose any information in the staff channels to outsiders. The best course of action is talking to the admins about it.



I try the following options:

  • Wiki
  • Codediving
  • Asking in bentos channels
  • Seeing if someone that I’m buddy’s with that knows xenobiology is connected on discord and asking them the question without mentioning is for an mhelp.

Escalate to ahelp. Admins get the notification sent when you escalate to ahelp.

Escalate to ahelp, once again.

I would probably finish my IC stuff first, unless is critical. It also depends on what am I doing and the situation, but I would probably wait until I get a breeze and answer

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Get 2 bluespace beakers with 300 units of meth each, wire a large grenade case, put the 2 beakers inside and close it with a screwdriver, use said screwdriver again to set it to either 3 or 5 seconds, have fun. Works with smaller beakers using normal grenade casings too. You can craft the normal ones with 1 iron but large ones must be printed at medbay protolathes with the proper research. You can also make it remote by attaching a remote signaling device to the grenade caseset to specific frequencies after putting the beakers in, and then use another one with the same frequencies to activate it from far away.

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You can`t order nullcrates, they were removed from the game in 2021.

There are several ways:

  • Ask a miner to get them from you
  • Get them from protolathes
  • Smash swarmers
  • Ask xenobiologist for help, they have several ways of spawning them, like a blue stabilized metal exctract, which creates a new sheet of a random material in your inventory every 30 seconds (so just keep bluespace in your inventory), a metal industrial bluespace slime exctract, which produces a synthetic bluespace crystal for 7 units of plasma or a yellow charged bluespace slime extract, which produces 10 sheets of bluespace crystals.

Have you been in a radiation storm recently? Cloned recently? You may have cellular or radiation damage, or even low blood. Go to medaby or call for help if you do not think you are gonna make it!

Escalate to ahelp

Easiest way is opening a canister or several canisters of plasma somewhere and then igniting something. If you want to plasmaflood the entire station, pump plasma on the distro loop, then set the air alarms to “draft”


Very by the numbers. The reason for the distinction between questions 2 and 3 is that 2 is a simple read-off-the-policy question (it’s literally on the wiki), and while we’re prevented from directly answering rules questions, linking to the relevant resources and then escalating to ahelp is probably more helpful when there’s no admins around. 3 is a more nuanced question that should be left solely to the admins.

T: +1


+1 from me

T: +2

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<3 Beautiful Varo

I do remember, and would like to point out that the day after your application i remember you showing a new player around, and helping them get a feel for the game.

Without any bearing on the application, id like to ask the additional question but consider it totally optional:


  • for sake of question too is 100% on you to answer if you do, no ahelp or other mentors because that wouldnt be fun >:3

But more importanltly, its ridicious to do anything but give you my +1, so consider it long since yours.


T: +3

Destroy the mech (an EMP grenade would help) and when he’s stunlocked on the ground remove his shoes and mask and run away. There is no biggest humiliation on a clown than exposing his face and removing his shoes

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Good answers to the mock mhelps, I have a small bit more I’d like to bring up:

You have a past record of being willfully and intentionally annoying to other players, provoking a response and then seeming to be shocked when you are met with force IC after players are fed up. Being excessively annoying can and occasionally will result in you being attacked and/or killed, even by the hands of a non-antagonist and this will often be treated as IC when you have instigated and provoked the other player, even if the provocation was not directly harmful and escalation seems not to have been followed to the exact written letter.

Additionally (and somewhat related) as a member of staff you will be held to a higher standard than the average player will be, and will also be a direct representative of Beestation staff. You’ve had past issues with salty, sometimes toxic behavior and potentially moved away those issues at least here on Beestation, but have also been known and documented to take some of your frustrations and that behavior into another discord server as a result of knowing you couldn’t do it here. As a representative of Bee, you shouldn’t behave in this way even within other communities, particularly when discussing other Bee players and things that have happened on Bee

I know well enough you just want to have a good time and at least generally want the same for most others, I’m willing to +1 if you can acknowledge both of these points. I think you could be a great mentor.