what behaviour, i salted a bit and moaned but i wasn’t downright exploding
I’ll be honest, I would also be tilted if i had a immortal ass corki following me nad preventing my objectives with it’s cancerous timestop stuns
i was pretty sure it was you, but i guess i was wrong. regardless, my stance that the spell is the issue stands. immortal corgi is funny. time stop corgi is less funny.
@GameAdmin can any of you pull logs or is this gonna stagnate
Logs pulled, this is Senior/Headmin land now.
can you chuck them in here k thnx
pretty sure it sorta acted like an invisible wall unless you were frozen inside of it.
what? you mean like you couldnt interact with anything but others could interact with you? since you mentioned how the corgi was spacing bodies. does it work like mjolnir stun where you just stand there after being hit unable to move tho you are still vertical… kinda sounds like cancer bro…
bro the corgi does the spell and its like a 4x4/3x3. you drop your held item your there for easily 10 seconds. you cannot move but the corgi can move and people can interact yeah its like the lighting hammer thing with AOE
Sure she does a lot of adminbus but adminbus is fun. Making the flow of the game less predictable is a good thing
not when it ruins rounds
Adminbus should not majorly change the round. It shouldn’t negatively impact other players, especially not antagonists.
20 characters lol
Has not been forgotten there are admins at the back of class in whispers passing secret sneaky notes in the thread. Discussion is ongoing.
This is a long ass discussion
Yet it’s an important one. Give it time - reports usually take forever anyway.
Sorry it took so long but it was a difficult one to get through for a variety of reasons. It has ultimately been decided that due to the way Yorii handled their mistake by immediately cleaning up their own mess and providing tokens that this was exactly that: A mistake.
There won’t be a punishment given as a result of this alone.
However… There have been enough incidents, showing a lack of the necessary judgement that we have decided to end Yorii’s extended trial period with a demotion.