Rules Broken (if relevant): rule 8
Part of Admin Conduct Broken (if relevant): admin bus uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh probably a few other things but cant tell until logs
Incident Description:
be me
hijack objective
boning away killing a ton of NPCs
some corgi comes up to me then does a time stop spell
slap the corgi a few times with a fireaxe
“why wont it die”
realise it’s name is eon the immortal corgi
“he prayed for himself to be killed so i gave him the opposite”
admin thinks it’s pretty funny
antag round in shambles because my bb cant get to my body because timestop
spaced by an immortal corgi
ahelp goes on, admin first says they weren’t immortal then later on says they were immortal until they started validhunting to which they gave them 1000hp
Additional Information: why also yes i am very salty.
A) I did.
B) They never actually killed anyone, they were only given non-harmful spells.
The moment it became evident they were attempting to impact the round in an unacceptable way I put a stop to it, and then went to investigate what parts of the round might have been affected.
At first I presumed the person they had managed to stop murderboning was a griefer since they were using the murder method of axing people in the head in the medbay, but as soon as I realized it was an actual antag trying to hijack the shuttle, I gave both him, and his BB partner, antag tokens.
I was all handled by the letter of the policy to the best of my ability, and anyone with access to the logs should be able to confirm this.
You misunderstand, I meant I did gib them. And no the corgi did in fact not kill or even harm anyone, OP was killed by another completely unrelated player, but the Corgi’s spells were the major cause of their murderboning progress being halted, thus antag token was in order.