Traitors on 70 pop should get more TC

I don’t wanna win, I wanna have fun with a lot of toys in one round.

Then wait for nuke ops

I’ve played for almost 400 hours and never gotten nuke ops

do you have it enabled?

If you want lotsa toys do the following: buy emag for tc. Steal the department funds. Fuel the cargo budget. Order nulls and steal them out of cargo into maint to keep it covert. Only keep qm involved and offer him a cut, or better yet: make it so that no living cargo member can interfere. Boom you now can stock up on funny toys without the need for murder of any kind, since qms will turn a blind eye a lot easier than any other crewmember. You might even trade with miners for their stuff.

it’s all fun and games until you open a null crate and a Griefsky pops out…

You can get the ion gun and shoot near him or get a beaker with uranium and dropper in 1u to make an emp

That is the price we pay for salvation. That is the price we pay for our 200 tc worth of items ways. That is the price. One must pay.