The Second Maggot Guy Admin Application //DENIED//

Going to change my -1 to a +1. I think you might have potential.

T: 0


New information has come to light. Re-instating my -1.

T: -2

math: 0-+1 = -1


Okay, you want more detail?

You’re part of the less than savory in-crowd of people who find racism some high form of comedy.

You’re currently serving a two week ban from NSV because of that sort of behavior.

The reason for which should preclude you serving on any sort of advisory or moderation position as it shows an almost actively malicious view of certain players for unjustifiable reasons.

I reiterate my -2 with greater emphasis

Your rating sits at -2 again.

See my previous post, I’ve changed my mind regarding you, Maggot.

ClownCar mass murder as non antag on it’s own deserves more than a 1 day ban, and you are still giving him 1 day even after he ignored your warning about it. You need to be harsher.

Most of your answers are pretty meh, + the information posted above, I can’t drop anything else other than a -2

Excuse me what the fuck?

This is false. I was banned for being way too LRP. Just because I fucking made ONE character in hundreds and hundreds of hours where I crossed the line ONCE by removing a fucking lizard’s appendix, and then tail after I realized it was non-harmful as “payment” for healing him doesn’t fucking make me racist IRL.

Saying “Ethereal master race” is a fucking joke.

Saying “Human Master Race” as AI is also a fucking joke.

Do I need to put a fucking /s after every little thing I say like it’s fucking reddit? I do not appreciate you throwing unfounded slurs at me like this.

I do NOT hate ANYONE for things about them that they cannot change, no matter what the hell that thing is, from a disability to their skin to who they fucking love.

And you, the admins can fucking check this by looking at my notes and shit because if I was actually like that surely it would’ve fucking come up more than once over the almost thousand hours I have here, right?

please check my response.

fair enough.

again, please check the response above.

Keeping my -1.

You cannot slap a “it was ironic” onto everything bad you do.

I literally had a debate with Ruko for like 30 minutes, I’m keeping this -1. You lack the mindset, the overall shared sense and the judgement to be an administrator in my opinion.

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Okay but what francinium said is dogshit though


Just gotta say these racist alligation are hopefully actually real life racism otherwise its a worrying precedent. I also roleplayed a couple of times a Bartender who is kinda racist against Moths and Lizards but that does not translate to real life racism.

IC racism is weird, its a grey area between it being okay and breaking the dont be an asshole or self-antag rule.

It can be spice for RP, but doesn’t justify griefing another player.

as someone who is in this crowd, maggot is not apart of it lmaooo you’ve got the wrong person. Also thinking non politically correct jokes are funny shouldn’t determine someones willingness to want to help the community

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what please re read this

I think maggot is in good faith trying to become an admin to help the community and just because francium incorrectly calls him a racist he gets numerous people -2/-1ing him? yall should base your responses off of something real and not francium’s random, baseless accusations


which is why I understandably got the ban for that. I’m not here to debate that, I know I did wrong and that it wasn’t fit for NSV, which is why I left and play on LRP now. But if one single instance of IC racism taken to the point of grief somehow makes me racist IRL, then you might as well close the app right now, because according to what I say on the beecord in General and #politics I’m a radical Anracho-communo-Capitalist cannibal who advocates for legal murder as long as you eat the body and who thinks covering yourself in oil allows you to literally fly when it rains.

thank you.

(The cannibal thing is because they say there’s no way to parody a point of view so crazy people don’t think you’re serious, but I beg to differ, which is why I say shit like “we need to invade italy because the italians make good food”)


why is a project lead this much of a brainlet lmao
“ahahaha you’re racist towards a fictional race in a 2d space game therefore you have a bad work ethic, are racist irl, and not fit to possess any form of power :angry::angry::angry::angry: plus ur a furryphobe so we cant be friends :angry::angry:”


Thanks for defending me but let’s not attack Francium over it. What’s been said has been said and the points have been made on both sides. I’d rather this not get turned into a peanut gallery, especially if it becomes a peanut gallery to say “francium bad” over and over and over.


I assume they thought you were someone else

Going ahead and denying as I believe we are at a negative.

Application denied.