Our currency: Crusader Coins
Our main exports: Shitposts and discord T&C violations
We lived in harmony with beestation and centcom both of our great nations killing brown skins
Till crossed the captain of beestation attacked and betrayed Crusaderstation and killed our general oneplusone other casualties in the war was average joe and marksucks rip
Rise for the national anthem
Crusader Kingdom religion:Oneplusism
Oneplusone became god after crossed deadminned him, the anguish bee felt in that second of pain was felt by the dead admin and he was reborn, into the God of Democracy
The following are canonised saints
Saint Chet
Saint Average Joe
The saint of Crusader Sec
Deadminned by cross for defending Crusader sec with a sharpened axe during the riots following crossed betrayal of the Crusader-Bee pact of joined democracy
Crusader I thought we where brothers, yet you disinvow my legacy. How dare you. From the ashes I will become a admin and clenese the shitmins, I WILL BECOME A PROPHET