CKEY: Howluinb
Offender’s CKEY: ???
Offender’s In-Game Name: Rusty Elderson (cap), Aden Finlay (hos), Spindel Craic (ward), Greed Yamato (sec)
Server (Sage or Acacia): Sage
Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 29/05/22 but probably 28 in murrica
Round Number: 38368
Rules Broken: R12 : Several SOP breaks from heads of a big degree, R2 (no powergaming), R7 ? mostly because so vague, R8, because funny sec man
Incident Description:
So, i’ll break this down with first rusty & aden, then Greed, then spindel.
Rusty & Aden :
Shift starts. Immediately, Aden opens up his locker and distributes his HoS armor to the entirety of security, on GREEN alert. Soon enough, a traitor gets called out (because blueprints stolen), and blue alert is raised. Fair. Then, a ling is fought.
Immediately, Rusty calls for Red Alert - which gets swiped - right after which Aden opens up the armory to distribute lethals to security. Once again, they only fought ONE LING who didn’t do even clearly enough damage to warrant a red alert level.
All of this proceeds into Rusty (or Aden ?) Calling for cargo to buy many combat shotguns, AND combat knives. Before any actual danger was reported (that is, before AI turned out to be ionned & a nukie spawned)
Rusty also left his diskie in a plant pot, which i thought was just him completely fucking up his duty, but turns out he was just afraid to be killed with it by ai, so, that’s fine - although it did spawn a lone op.
Then, round ends, and both of them actually defend that, yes, red alert is justified the second you have confirmed enemy presence, and that blue alert is only for suspected enemy presence, and that they acted perfectly in accordance with SOP.
A bit more on them in spindel section.
Greed :
No idea what exactly transpired, all I know is that ghost chat complained several times that they were just beating assistants into crit with harmbatong for no real reason. All they got was being demoted to assistant, but yeah, no, massive shitsec.
Spindel :
I cryoed after most of this, and only am mostly relegating what ghost chat said (although i was a secman) - my apologies if it turns out to be bullshit.
So, early on, a funny lizard (antag) got accused of having stolen a blueprint. They proceed to escape sec many times, until they find the doors to bridge emagged, and proceed to enter bridge, asking cap to clear their name - cap ignores them, walks out, so they use the comms console.
They get arrested right after that, prints found on them. 15 minutes for it (should be 10 but who cares IC issue). Then it comes up they trespassed into bridge. It proceeds with spindel wanting to gulag them - permanently - for “repeated offences”/elevated offences (all they got accused of was stealing blueprints, a CONTRABAND ITEM, a 206, and without breaking/entering - a borg gave it to them after law2, and trespassing secure areas 309), which is not how space law works AT ALL.
"In the event the convict has been found guilty of multiple crimes the security officer should assign the sentence appropriate to the highest crime committed. This means if someone is guilty of assault and inciting a riot, the prisoner should be confined for a major crime sentence. "
Spindel gets told, no, they can’t gulag, swarmers ate all of the gulag - to which they reply “like hell i can’t”.
I have no idea what happened afterwards, whether they realized whatever they were saying or not - but said lizard ends up permaed, for crimes that clearly don’t deserve perma, Aden not batting an eye at this.
Lizard contacts cap to plead his case, that even if true, he should not be permaed over this. Rusty agrees, declares he should get a 25 minutes sentence over sec comms (not how it works, you do not add together two sentences, only pick the highest one).
Lizard NEVER gets unpermaed, spindel brings up gulagging him again, 40 minutes later he’s still stuck in perma not able to do anything, he ends the round still in perma with no one retrieving him.
Additional Information: This was a shitshow of shitsec, and even if the shotguns were not bought because of the chaos, the order was still given on comms and armory was still opened with lethals and half of sec still walked around with hos tier armor (best armor found on station)
Rusty’s usually good, Aden too, but they seem to severely misunderstand how blue/red alert works, and claim i’m the one who doesn’t get it, hence the part of the report about them. Overequipping sec like this is severely detrimental when nothing warrants that, and just ruins the game for everyone by forcing antags to play super stealthily or powergame for 50 minutes before being able to match up against a fully kitted out sec.