Alright, the other day, a clown asked me a question
“Why does xenobio never share anything with the station?”
I pondered it for a bit, and realised it’s because I have no fucking idea what people want or if they know how to use it. Dropping off six thousand regenerative extracts at medical will never help anyone if nobody knows what they do.
So my job here is to compile a “Shopping list” if you will, of things that each and every job on the station has to gain from a competent xenobiologist, and how to use it. I’ll reiterate, please just fucking ask. (heads will be covered under the command section at the end)
General Shit
Most of this will be personal, as it’s up to you to decide what you want, and a lot of it will be restated later in departments that specifically want them. But here’s some common things anyone with working vocal chords and more than two braincells can benefit from
-Speed potions: Really really fucking good, slap a hardsuit with them and it removes all slowdown. Yes, this works on skinsuits, so if you really want to wear it around, you totally can with no downside.
-Stabilised Light Pink: Makes you fast, like, really fast, and also has the added benefit of auto applying that chem from the pen in your medkit to any crit person within a certain radius.
-Yellow Slime Cells, and also maybe Yellow Slime Lights: The cells are small, but auto-recharge, meaning that your APC will NEVER run out of power, no matter if the SM blows up, cargo’s singulo ate all the solars, and a powersink is currently vibing in port quarter maints, you’ll still keep the lights on. The lights are also nightmare-proof, and will very much make them cry.
-Chilled Dark Blue is a limitless breath mask, that works for plasmen and doesn’t actually consume any air
-If you can’t get insuls but need something hacked Consuming Yellow makes cookies that insulate for 30 seconds, just enough time to get a door open and get back out. Trust me, if xenobio holds a bake sale it’s worth attending just for these.
-Stabilised Cerulean creates a clone of you that, when you die, your spirit posesses. Put the clone somewhere safe and with an intercom and it’s practically an extra life and allows you to immediately out the identity and location of the ling currently trying to absorb you.
-Gentle Bluespace allows you to alt click it and set a location, which is where you’re currently standing. Alt clicking it again makes you snap back to that location, and while it does not work while stunned or stamcrit, it does work while handcuffed and within the bag. The same applies to all gentle extracts, for future reference.
Scientist: If you want materials, crystalline cerulean or stabilised metal.
Both can duplicate materials, the first by growing smaller “Polycrystals” that can be smashed with anything that does damage and added to a stack to boost the stack by 1-5 items, depending on the growth stage of the crystal. Don’t smash the “Slimic Pylon” though, or they’ll stop growing.
Stabilised metal is a lot simpler, and slower, but just works passively as long as you have it in the TOP LAYER of your inventory. Both can be used on exotic materials such as runic metal, which I should really put in my first guide
You can also benefit from yellow slime cells in circuit designs, but that’s an aside.
Roboticist: You can benefit from the above infinite mats to mass produce mechs, and the charged cells with which to power them. The only downside is, if the xenobiologist is making too many golems, you might not be able to trigger positronic brains, as all the ghosts will be golems.
Medical doctor: You have so much to gain here, with the only prerequisite being having any idea what it does.
Recurring purple is useful so long as you have blood, as you can draw your own blood with a syringe, inject the extract, and then draw from the extract 5x the amount of budget omnizine, known as Regenerative Jelly. This chemical has no overdose threshold, so spam away.
Regenerative crossbreeds are effectively a pocket aheal, and with a cerulean one you can store twice as many in one space, so if someone drops a box of them off be sure to use them.
Crystalline Light Pink and or Crystalline Purple, as well as Consuming Purple, can all provide healing effects, but shouldn’t be relied on. Also if a sentient lightgheist or revive bolt carp happens to bumble in your job just got 50-99% easier.
Paramedic: Stabilised light pink is practically YOUR extract, pick one up if you can, and try not to OD people on epi by penning them after the extract triggers. Other than that, the same as above applies for healing extracts, with the added benefit that you can go and get them without being harmbattoned for being outside of medical.
Chemisty: You can and will probably be asked for radium to give the xenobiologist access to mutation toxins, and between you can create and distribute several useful mutations to the crew, such as skeleton.
Or you could just turn everyone into plasmemes and get banned. Which admittedly would be funny.
Geneticist: MORE CHIMPS, MORE CHIMPS also maybe Crystalline Green to give everyone in a ten foot radius blindness
Virology: Infinite chimps for a virus like pituitary disruption overclocked, I guess. Also, with some niche emergent gameplay with necropolis seed, and how the patch for the previous version of this emergent gameplay was coded, infinite necropolis chests may remain possible, now that Zesko’s not around to refactor hellbound. I’ll update the guide after I get done testing it.
Bartender/Chef: Recurring silver practically makes you obsolete, as they produce food and drinks from a far wider pool. However chances are, the xenobiologist doesn’t have time to spam it, so if they show up with one just add plasma or water in 1u steps using a dropper (print at autolathe) and also probably have flash protection.
Botanist: Crystalline Silver is always nice to boost the speed of plant growth, but we all know what we’re here for. Silver slimes can produce mothafuckin GATFRUIT, with some less interesting unobtainable plants such as cherry bombs.
Chaplain: Depends on your god really, xenobio has a lot of crossbreeds that could easily be spun as miracles from your diety, or if you want to go full on slime cult nobody will stop you. For a lamp god, Chilling Pyrite. For a darkness god, Burning Pyrite. For a fire god Chill Potions from dark blue combined with plasma into orange for an explosive lightshow. Go wild.
Clown: Xenobio can make and duplicate Bananium, and provide limitless charge for your HONK mech. They can also provide lesser funnies like the current Pyrite crossbreeds allowing you to paint the entire station. Oh yeah right Crystalline Oil. AKA the warcrime rock. I will leave it to you to discover what it does.
Mime: Slime mutation toxin can make you a stargazer, allowing you to cheat the vow of silence with telepathy, but that’s cheating.
Curator: If you plan to take the space exploration route, Charged Dark Blue and Stabilised Cerulean make you much more durable against the threats of space, and Stabilised Pink, while not ALWAYS effective, usually helps ward off the most hostile threats.
Janitor: Usually you won’t be able to use anything but the standard, but if you insist on mopping with water carrying a box or two of Stabilised Blue to hand out to bystanders who don’t know how to fucking walk is generally effective in keeping you from being lynched.
Station Engineer: You also benefit from the infinite mats back in the scientist section because woooo infinite RCD fuel. Also yellow cells make the supermatter useless and you REALLY want speed potions. you could also get stabilised red to be able to always have magboots on. In addition, should the worst come to pass, chilling yellow can recharge APC’s remotely and Chilling Pyrite helps you keep the lights on, if you don’t mind relegating welding proofing to the head or mask slot.
Atmospherics Technician: Apparently gentle cerulean makes breathable air but I really can’t tell, and Chilling Dark Purple just deletes all the plasma in a room. Have fun with that by using Burning Black to ventcrawl into the atmos plasma tank and making it a vaccum! Yeah xenobio and engi have little crossover except the slimes can make power and light in a pinch.
Security Officer: Burning yellow is an instant trigger flashbang that doesn’t hit you or anyone insulated. The number of angry antags I have cucked with this is unreal. Gentle Sepia is also fucking timestop so abuse that to harmbaton an entire revolution without them being able to retaliate. Stabilised rainbow also makes you twice as hard to kill and acts as a GTFO option if loaded with regen bluespace, and stabilised cerulean makes you four times as hard to keep down. Also, putting a yellow cell into your stunbaton allows you to harmbaton FOR ETERNITY, and stabilised yellow will automatically recharge your guns while you patrol! Also slipping is the number one cause of security death, and stabilised blue stops it. I would consider it.
Detective: Fuck the detective
Brig Physician: Do horrible experiments on prisoners with slime shit, including but not limited to
-Plasmaflooding perma and making every prisoner a plasman so they can’t leave
-Forcefeeding charged pink to every antagonist, and dispair when they kill you anyway
-Give the prisoners chilling light pink flower crowns and laugh as they try to break out
-Ask for sentient watchers and use them as temp gun turrets, then cry when they turn on you
Get yelled at by the lawyer for violating prisoner rights and turn him into a plasman, then get banned.
Warden: Gentle bluespace to teleport back to the armory when nukies raid it, charged dark blue on your cool armor because you’re too hipster to use sec hardsuits, speed potions for the above sec hardsuits, sentient watchers as temp turrets again, chilling grey for riot cubes, chilling metal to fend off the grey tide. Chilling rainbow to halt the revolutionaries storming brig. Or you can bring a headspider to xenobio and have them breed changelings, then cry when said changelings storm security.
Quartermaster/Cargo Tech: Recurring Dark Purple means insane amounts of plasma, and therefore money. Material duplication for things like diamond or bluespace crystal ore is also very effective at making money and, of perhaps equal importance, mining points. Getting medical a fuck ton of advanced med kits can’t not be useful can it? In addition, industrial gold produces coins, which, while very plasma inefficient is a massive flex.
Miner: oh miner, miner miner. You have so much to gain here
First of all,
So if you kill an ash drake, save the hides, so we can all be cloaking in pimping dragon skin.
In addition, all three potions are in some way useful to miners, with Pressure mostly going on Ash Drake and HECK suits, speed for the Mining Hardsuit and Nar’sien armor, and chill for the regular explorer suit. Stabilised Cerulean and Stabilised Rainbow can save your ass if you fuck up against a megafauna, and regerenratives don’t have the same cooldown stabilised cores do. Slimes can also turn you back human if you dislike the result of drinking the bottle of dragon blood.
Most heads will be using things from their own departments so this will only mention specifc stuff, but keep in mind a well equipped head of staff should probably be equipped with all the general stuff especially stabilised cerulean, as well as keeping up the supply of equipment and making sure it’s used.
Research Director: Getting the easy one out of the way first, I certainly hope the RD has at least some idea of what xenobio can do, given he is their boss. That said, the RD usually has his pick of whatever he wants from this guide and beyond.
Chief Medical Officer: You have infinite hypospray fuel and pocket aheals usually less than a department away and it falls on you to ensure they’re delivered and used. This should probably be your priority when it comes to getting xenobio shit because there’s not much you can use that the rest of your staff cannot.
Head of Personel: Sentient Ian Sentient Ian, also chilling pink makes a slime corgi for ian friend and if you happen to want to go and flaunt to the quartermaster that he’s never going to be a real head of staff who better to leave the HoPline to than a barely sentient construct incapable of free will or emotion (I’m talking about golems)
Chief Engineer: You probably want a speed potion the most out of anybody on the station. It also falls to you to make sure the magic yellow cells are employed correctly, and if that’s not enough power ask for charged yellow instead. If you want to get your engis doing something helpful you can ask for Bluespace Floor Tiles and replace the halls with those, ask for Copper Golems to save on insuls, or ask for Crystalline Bluespace to set up a teleportation network, like quantum pads but better.
Head of Security: You effectively want everything a sec officer has plus everything the warden has, plus half the armory shoved in your cargo shorts. You also probably want a bag of holding to store all this gamer gear.
Captain: If there’s a slime extract that helps you avoid dying, you want it.
A final word
This guide is now done, and you should be able to consult it to find out what your main can gain from xenobio. If I missed anything, yell at me in the replies, i’ll add it. That being said, i do have one final request. If you want something