Solid snake report

   CKEY: sasukexsakura1337

   Your Discord: Acensti#1440

   Offender’s CKEY: no clue

   LRP or MRP server: LRP

   Offender’s In-Game Name: Solid snake

   Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 09-25-2020

   Round Number: 21794

   Rules Broken: dude went over the line 

Dude got aa, refused to share it. I myself broke into cap while watching him already get there. 2-3 other tiders realize spare’s gone and Solid snake response to this is that he is gonna hide to avoid lynch.
I go to armory and see him all bloody up with wang. Even tho i’m valid i run up to solid snake with nothing in hand nor anything that can kill him in inventory and he reponsods with shotgun rounds. I come across him in chapel and died to him obviously. I announced beforehand that i saw him with wangs dead body in armory and told people that he killed wang. People then wants to rob him off his card and he just literally attacks everyone that came near him.

Seems like self defence, you know what the tide wouldve done to him. Lethals are perfectly fine of you are trying to defend your life and aa

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So a guy with AA defends himself from the AA lynchmob?

What’s our policy on number of toolboxes to the head before you can respond with lethal force?

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This is all lies,they were constantly calling for a lynch and to kill me.I didnt attack anyone first they all shot at me and i killed them.Also walking into armory makes you instantly valid which both you and cmo did,the rest of the guys i killed were attacking me and i had no other options :flushed:


Literally just attacked anyone that came near him at some point

Lies,i only attacked people that hit me or shot at me

Pretty sure that entering armory without permission only makes you valid to Security.

Cae resolved this ingame already i dont see the point of this report

What a chad. Finally tiders get to feel what it’s like on the other side of the coin.



Nope,also i was the only one that could act as security and i was trying to keep peace

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Any more details that you can give on this?

Dude is a potentional traitor that drags a dead wang in armory all bloodied up. Even during this i didn’t even once respond using lethals i none the was valid. He later on procecceded to a all out shooting in chaps

I explained that i killed wong for entering the armory but no one listened

Look i did everything by the book,i warned everyone on comms to not aproach me and that if you attack or shoot at me in attemp to get the AA.You shoot at me and try to kill me so i shoot back and nae nae you,same for the cmo and the assitant the science guy tried to beat me to death too so he got naed naed aswell

If you didn’t start as a command role/security, you don’t have a right to act as security just by having all access (unless you got an actual job transfer).

You probably had other reasons to kill SasukexSakura1337, but them being valid to security wasn’t one of them.

I was the HOP dude…

okay but why is nobody pointing out this metagaming

hmm yes he killed metafriend/acquaintence, he must be bad man, time to act on that


I explained on comms clearly that i killed wang for entering the armory but no one listened

Thanks for clarifying that…

So the HoP joined, barricaded themselves in the armory due to a lynchmob trying to get AA, and killed people that were trying to attack them.

No no,i went outside because sec got overrun,the shotout happend at chapel as he pointed out