Using the temperature gun on a food item should cook it
If you are on fire you will cook the food
Plasmenes should be able to heat up items they have in hand even cook it with pyrokinesis
Using the temperature gun on a food item should cook it
If you are on fire you will cook the food
Plasmenes should be able to heat up items they have in hand even cook it with pyrokinesis
Plasmamen do not have high body temperatures, and are specifically noted to be vulnerable to fire. Why would they have Pyrokinesis?
If anything, heating food should be ethereals, the walking lightbulbs ability
However, due to the fact that they’re using their own body and effectively blood to perform the process of resistor heating with their hands, it deals burn damage to the hand it is done in and drains electricity/blood.
I already have had a Species-specific bodytemp pr up for over a month now, Hugging and other forms of heat transfer will exist afterwards.
I could probably sneak it in as a gene for ethereals.
Throw me ideas.
In the spirit of the season, add an Ion law:
Only entities wearing jack-o-lanterns are crew. Non-crew entities are dangerous and should be isolated in (Departments) to ensure crew safety"
Moth folk eating clothing should count as junk food, imparting the bad food chem like when you eat vending machine food and donk pockets.
No. I hate the new chem more than I hate moths.
Bet. 15 chars btw
Already doing this as part of newfood.
Now moths have more reason to go to the chef!
and to lynch the jerks who only serve meat
I think that while observing someone, the “ghost” command should return you to your free-floating ghostly self.
Ability to eat food on table next to you without getting it in-hand while buckled, I want the real bar restaurant dining experience (or just give that functionality to forks and knives idk)
Honestly a fork having that function is pretty damn smart given those things are pretty much set dressing.
Add More Narcotics And make the effects of mushroom hallucigen cooler it would be cool to make mindbreaker toxin and hallucigen give different effects depending on your mood when you take them and the space you are in i also think chemistry should be made more complex
Honestly I wish they made it so you could make Opium from Poppies.
Instead they went and made it so that it’s just a mood-boost on wearing it.
I mean poppy contains morphine, bicardine and nutriment so you can eat them for some healing and ignoring damage slowdown.
though dont eat too many big ones you will get knocked out
Alt clicking a bag or item in the bag in a triggers a 1-2 second action bar. If successful the bag is silently opened/ item is silently retrieved.
Could also add a lightfingers quirk to do the same thing with 1 point cost.
this would kinda suck, i use altclicking to open boxes in my inventory without having to clickdrag
Yeah alt click was just a placeholder idea. Control shift click instead would work better.
Currently progress bars for taking items out of wearable storage are not possible without a storage code overhaul, I tried.