For the little features that you don’t think are big enough to make an entire thread about.
how about we add duct tape
Head patting catgirls
Being able to crawl onto a borgs head as a pai
Considering how bugged picking up pai cats is, wew.
removing felinids as a roundstart race (it’s a one line config change)
only allowing moths to be selected
This is why I demolished you.
Making skeletons permanent
Giving squid roundstart telekinesis and chameleon
you wanna know the ugliest thing in this game
non-plasmamen wearing the plasmaman envirosuit
Non plasmeme in plasmeme suit should take toxin damage
more sources of radiation for me to die to
breathes in
Lower price of some of the wizard spells (fireball is generally better than most of them, yet also cheaper).
Security Telebatons - Advanced Weapon Technology - Upgrade applied to a Baton that allows you to store teleport Crystal’s inside, that will teleport a suspect directly into the security holding cell so you dont have to drag them though the Tide halls
Sounds a tad overpowered
You would still need to stun them, and cuff them, and use a telecrystal as fuel so it requires a constant source of energy AND fuel
sounds a lot like kyber crystal lightsabers
Isn’t that basically the DRAGnet, but in baton form, and more powerful?