Small feature megathread

stop using circle wheels for things that should be used in the top hud. why would you put the surrender button right next to the cop fucking shit beard robusto used his magic point spell

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An obese trait that just makes you permanently fat


We got duffle bags for that. That’s what it feels like at least.


In the same way that using wheat on a chicken causes more chickens:
Using meat on dog makes another dog
Using oats on pig makes another pig
Using cheese on a mouse makes another mouse
Using grass on a cow makes more cows
Using milk on a cat makes more cats
Using carrot on a bunny makes more bunny
Using flowers on a butterfly makes more butterfly

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What would I use on crew members and cyborgs to make more of them…?

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Give Engi and Jani borgs a floor tile painter


Give all Borgs it honestly. Let them do some decoration to their department! Maybe limit the colours to their respective department colours.

Make it so Lasso tamed mounted mobs attack the melee harm target of the rider. (Just attack if in range not move to attack)

You should be able to put food objects in the “Chemical Grinder” from the plumbing constructor menu in order to grind them automatically

You can, just not manually for some reason…
Conveyor belt it in, input is on the opposite side of the blue pipe


-The Peacekeeper borg should be able to dispense cookies directly into the hand of someone who doesn’t have both hands full
Have it work the same way as the lollipop dispenser on the medical borg.

-You should be able to put a slice of bread in the mask slot.
It would be an amusing reference

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this used to be a feature but I think it got removed in newfoods (I think by accident?)
and I think for some reason it was head slot, not mask slot


Another victim of new foods! First the butter and now this!!

Should be able to put photographs in the station copier.
And Detective, Lawyer, and heads should have some empty folders in their offices

Cult members who get de-converted should be in the round result screen indicating as such
This round happened yesterday, most of the cult got de-converted so it looks like the poor miner had to try to summon Narsie by themself


You should be able to paste or type a color hex code into the line in the spray paint color select menu. That way I can match colors exactly when writing out my manifesto in the center hallway.
Select Color2

Spray cans got changed recently so if you spray on a previous spray, it will now spray an overlapping spray instead of recolouring it. Makes fixing floorpainting a nightmare as you cant do the two layers and beaker scoop anymore.

Add a research item for the “Borgi Frame” which requires either an exploration disk or the Destructive Analysis of the Borgi module.
Unlike the Borgi Module (which is about as useful as a PAI), the Borgi Frame doesn’t change their tools, just the sprites.
It would use the borgi sprite but each module would have a patch on the side like this saddle cloth


The different modules would have a symbol on that “cloth” depicting what module they are, and the background color of the flag would be visible as a stripe on each side from a front or back view, so a borg couldn’t powergame it to hide what module they are. My rough idea for the colors and icons are taken from standard iconography of the departments they’re associated with
Peacekeeper: Red with sec emblem
Medical: White with blue cross
Service: Green square
Engineering: Bright orange with wrench
Miner: black with miner icon

  • Highlighter marker to highlight text on paper or other word documents, very useful for forensic scanner reports and record tape transcripts.

  • Table plants. Plants that go on tables (decorative). Little cacti and other succulents.


Adding on to this, there should be a black highlighter for the sake of redacting info.

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