Small feature megathread

The head should also inhabit a skull for most races. It gives room for future features, such as

  • servo skulls
  • using skulls as trophies
  • a container for drinks
  • a material for a throne
  • new surgeries and injuries
    a lot of things that can be done with it

Skulls for the skull throne.

This seems relatively morbid, even for SS13, but i do like it because i like 40k.

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I mean, we already have skulls in theory. Just look at curators backroom and the pile of bones sprite. But it is an underutilized feature in my opinion.

I’d love if we added this to the server restart midi list: Tim Curry’s line from Red Alert


Won’t get any better if you don’t report the problems with it

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nah nah, “reporting” won’t do shit you gotta fix it yourself. i’ve been making small edits over time to correct shit, but making a whole new wiki page is a bit overwhelming

Alright then keep your secrets I suppose

dunno how it’s a secret, like 90% of the pages are broken, the issue isn’t finding the discrepancies it’s solving em. shit like wrong numbers range from right after you find out because you tried it in game or hour long code diving, but bigger things like whole pages require weeks of writing and fact-checking

Mate if I have no clue what’s broken I cannot fix it, I make little to no use of the wiki as a whole yet still try to make it a bit less shit all I’m asking is that if you see a page that needs revising mark it as so.

i’m telling you that would mean you basically mark the entire fucking wiki as “needs revision”. just press random page and there’s a 95% chance the page you land on is incorrect, a stub, poorly written, outdated, or otherwise not up to standards

Tongue twist surgery: lets you blacklist 5 words from the target, they can’t say it.

Prevent the humie from saying racial insults

Prevvent the felinid from nya’ing

Prevent the entire crew from saying human harm as human harm does not exist and the less people believe the less human harm there is.

Prevent the clown from honking

Prevent the hos from cussing

Prevent the assistant from saying shitsec

Prevent the felinid from saying anything cat releated

Tongue removal but funnier.


Great suggestion, sad people will just bypass it

IDC if they do you can’t nya no more

IDK what you are talking about. if there are so many bad pages i guess i only use 1% of the wiki which contains all one needs to do anything.

Squidpeople make a quieter version of squidwards’s walking sound, similar to how IPCs make a mechanical sound when walking.


Yessssss! For reference:

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Medical Borgs can get an upgrade that allows them to download the researched surgery routines, enabling them to be able to do advanced surgeries on the spot.
The Advanced Health Analyzer should get this feature, it makes it actually useful, allows MDs to actually be more efficient at their job IE on 90% of all emergency shuttles there aren’t operation computers meaning that reviving people on shuttle is a super annoying task. It doesn’t devalue operating tables or stasis beds as people worked on outside of those areas can die and/or reach organ failure.

If not the advanced health analyzer either a new tool for medical or software that a tablet computer can download.

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This is actually already a thing. The surgical processor updates with the surgery tech. But since no one ever researches surgery tech anyway its just not used. Plus, if borgs are doing surgery, most of the time they have an operating computer with them.

I like your suggestion for the advanced health analyzer though. I have a better suggestion. Instead of putting it into the function of the analyzer itself, make it like an attachment. Like in Star Trek, normal Tricorders can be upgraded to medical Tricorders with a single attachment. Several servers already have this i believe.

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That’s why I said.

I didn’t say the borgs need it, I said the MDs either need to like the health analyzer to function like the borg upgrade module, or make it a new tool/tablet software they can utilize. It makes sense, you can just reduce the amount of healing done via the analyzer w/o a table or stasis bed by X amount or %.

As a con to this. Paramedics and non-doctors would get the same speed of healing but not the same amount. So instead of a MD/CMO being able to heal at a slightly reduced rate, they heal at half that reduced rate. So MDs don’t become invalidated.

new gimmick job:

News reporter.

They start with clipboard, gather news and publish on newscaster network. (They can even make newspapers and subscriptions/delivery!)

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