Trying to develop a MRP and LRP server with the same features is bound to run into a lot of issues sure you can fix this with configs, but i don’t think having tons of code in the repo that only applies to one server is good either, especially when those things are big changes.
Not a bad idea, but what if one server gets preferential treatment over the other or the other gets a cool feature the other wants?
Then someone will just have to port it over, since they’d be both essentially 99% the same code it would be extremely easy to do.
Coders don’t always agree with what the community wants though and some things that are wanted will then never be ported over.
Nothing is stopping you or other people to learn how to do it.
Like it or not this is the reality of things, this is a open source project.
Motherfucker stop using “when you code it” as an excuse like holy shit.
It’s a valid one, the people that code for this are giving up their free time for it, they are not obliged to do anything you asked, it’s even worse when you bitch to them about it, if you actually want something added to the game do it yourself.
“i’M a VoLuNtEeR, i DoN’t GeT pAiD tO bAbYsIt DuMbAsSeS”
Do you see me use this excuse to get out of dealing with tickets? No. If you have the time to pick favourite servers, you have the time to port over one singular piece of code when asked.
They’re not obliged, but it sucks when they add shit in that nobody wants or remove stuff that nobody wants gone. It shouldn’t only be the coder’s decision. Imagine if the people who built your house decided to tear a part of it down and they could just because they built it?
We don’t always need to be happy about work being done for free if it’s done badly and we’re also allowed to voice our opinion over things and give ideas for stuff that could be added in.
Sure i could, but why would i?
If you have no motivation to help, don’t be a coder.
Same goes for admins. If you have no motivation to work, don’t be an admin.
I have motivation to help, but not for every server that exists.
I’ve been where you’re at and used to think like this too you know, but it did jackshit.
…we’re not asking you to help every single server on BYOND, just to pull your weight and actually take actions on your suggestions. It’s genuinely not hard to copy and paste, this is literally just laziness.
lol okay let’s see how long you’ll do without coders until a new server crashing exploit is found without anyone to fix it.
Seeing as you already don’t code like at all
I doubt much will change.
usually coders implies multiple people not a singular person.
I think it was just a quick # without much thought put into it. I think he just meant you, or mostly you.