Sergei Koralev Admin Application: Oh Gods Not Again

Because even if we are sister servers, we have different communities. And I wouldn’t want to have an admin who almost never played on our server, and doesn’t know the community to ban me.

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Well its good to have good relationship with them, most of bee players go to nsv too, which is only on weekends, i dont see why their staff couldnt look after bee if they want.

Also bacon is currently working on making shuttle battle system, which will work like ftl, we will be even more alike then.

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It’s good to have nice relationship yes, and saying most of bee players lpay there is probably wrong. Also I love beacon, but I don’t care what he is working on rn, I care about current state of bee.

because the admin clique doesnt like me :flushed: ,spent 750 hours on the server even with the 5 perma bans and every one was for atleast a month,i would have over 1000 hours if not for the bans doe…

I strongly agree with moccha and mat’s points. The shit show that is bee’s community is a really important part of what makes bee, bee. Interactions with code, or just admins, or just seeing MRPs tickers does not mean you know the community.

I feel like things are getting too convulated, this app shouldn’t be speed runned like the other’s were, and lets actually give it more time to consider it for now, nothing substantial was said and only helped to drift away from the original points being made.












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TG is a lot farther from Bee than NSV is.
I have no strong opinion for or against most of the NSV admins, and our communities and codebases are very closely intertwined.

Please don’t speak for or as me while I continue to abstain from this.


I did not speak for you, just brough your comment on something which is close to the topic.

Retracting my -1 due to having further discussed this with other members of staff.

For the record the only issue I had was the hours. Everything else was good.

In the event this gets accepted I look forward to working with you.


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I’d be glad to be part of the team. I always look forward to working with those who both hold their beliefs in such high regard, and those who are willing to alter their opinion based on dialogue.

Honestly, this has gotten a little ridiculous. We’re currently sitting at a +7 and I don’t presently see them dropping below 0 at this rate.

While the concerns presented are valid under certain circumstances, I don’t think they actively apply here. I’m willing to personally accept the risks of bringing on Sergei with his relatively low hours. That’s the level of confidence I have in this working out.

So, with that being said. The application is Accepted.

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