Sergei Koralev Admin Application: Oh Gods Not Again

The problem is not knowing the tools, the rules or otherwise the mechanical part of being admin, but the social and relation part, having an admin which no one has played with or they themselves don’t even have that much experience playing on the server itself is bad, and considering the amount of NSV staff members joining the servers who collective have less than 92 hours between all of them when they applied raises any players eye brows. It’s not that we don’t like you but actually play on the server first and become part of the community before applying for a very important role :flushed:


No, listen. I respect franc and ta; they’re both respectively NSV workers. Hell, I even took a complaint from franc straight to the face.

But the thing is, they at least played for a bit.

You have eight hours.

How are you going to administrate a community that doesn’t even recognize you? How are you going to administrate a community you never even joined? It doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t. I don’t get it.


I believe either Ta or Franc had really low hours too.

Edit: I basically do believe what Moccha and Hang said above me.
So answer them, not me.

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This implies that people would recognize me to begin with even if I had a greater playtime, not to mention admin recognition. I know that from my high perch that many multi-hundred hour players on NSV exist, but I hardly recognize them by C-key, and in fact, I doubt that if the IC handle field wasn’t asked that many admins making their first application would be recognized at all.

I challenge you a good question. How many admins do you know the IC handles of by heart? I’d bet that it’s a number you can count on your fingers. As I stated previously, part of trial-administrator is learning the community as a whole rather than your own little clique that you often find yourself in. You get to really learn how a server lives and breathes before you’re actually given the autonomy to go off on your own.

It’s at this point that I’ve also offered mapping mentorship to multiple people who have since contributed to Bee, so, while you’re implying that I’m totally out of touch I’ll remind you that I often help those who need guidance on mapping or other contribution with what they may have issues with. Just because I lack server hours doesn’t mean I’ve not been here helping the community. You could look at this as my way to throw my hat in the ring to help in anotherway. We see the admin relays from Sage that go unanswered when NSV is live, We’d like to help.

Let’s also not forgo mentioning that we frequently communicate with Beestation at NSV in order to ensure smooth operations for both servers, this includes pushing pull requests up-stream that fix problems that occur both here and on NSV, consulting one way or another about administrative actions, and overarching policy shifts. We coordinate frequently, and work as a team to ensure that if someone wants to go from Bee to NSV, or NSV to Bee, the transition is almost seamless. Through unity we can be strong.

Iam aware I dont have a voice, but 8 hours is roughly 4-6 rounds… Even if bee and NSV are simillair(being a downstream) they both still alot diffrently. Especialy since NSV is much more tied to a common goal. So alot of problems will be diffrent and should be handeld diffrently.

Maby if you could realistly have played every department atleast once on bee?

Unity requires you to know who you’re helping; again, I respect the NSV staff team and your experience, but interaction with the community and being a player first is incredibly important. Knowing how it actually feels to play on Beestation is incredibly important when dealing with your administrative duties; you’ll know what exploits gaps in the rules specifically to be dickish, what’s acceptable amongst the crew and such as well as bad players. Just play for about 20 more hours and I’ll be glad to give you a +1.

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I can count off the top of my head 21 ic names from both the current admins and the old ones i used to play with.

As I stated previously, part of trial-administrator is learning the community as a whole rather than your own little clique

You completly missed , the point is playing in the server and actually meeting the wide array of awesome people in it, if you actually took your time to play the server first and learn from experience you would disagree with yourself, and implying that there is little cliques between players comes to show how out of touch you are :flushed:

It’s at this point that I’ve also offered mapping mentorship to multiple people who have since contributed to Bee, so, while you’re implying that I’m totally out of touch I’ll remind you that I often help those who need guidance on mapping or other contribution with what they may have issues with.

Sure helping people out of game for content is nice and all. But still dosen’t change the fact that not having experience with the community itself is a bad thing and with 8 hours you clearly won’t know how an average round of mrp goes, and how certain people have histories for certain types of behaviours.

Just because I lack server hours doesn’t mean I’ve not been here helping the community. You could look at this as my way to throw my hat in the ring to help in anotherway. We see the admin relays from Sage that go unanswered when NSV is live, We’d like to help.

I don’t have a problem with you trying to help the community its always appreciated when people do of course, im questioning the fact if you are going to be in touch with the community and its problems, and tickets going unanswered isn’t a new problem and definetly won’t go away by adding 10 other admins. Specially cosndiering how you took sage as an example when the server that has the worst problem when it comes to awnsered tickets is golden. So overrall 8 hours in game and barely any experience with the community itself is a terrible marker for an applicant to the position of admin.

Let’s also not forgo mentioning that we frequently communicate with Beestation at NSV in order to ensure smooth operations for both servers, this includes pushing pull requests up-stream that fix problems that occur both here and on NSV, consulting one way or another about administrative actions, and overarching policy shifts. We coordinate frequently, and work as a team to ensure that if someone wants to go from Bee to NSV, or NSV to Bee, the transition is almost seamless. Through unity we can be strong.

And that’s the problem, that’s the technical side and higher administrative side of things, not the awnsering tickets and being present part. We appreaciate everything you and NSV has helped to contributed to bee, but when it comes to new staff member’s , we need more experienced players not coders.

To wrap things up, in the past we never accepted people who had less than 200 hours in game, and the few we did were utter disapointments. @AlbertBlackwell :flushed:,

I couldn’t have said it better myself.


I just love Mocchas response. It’s basically what I wanted to say but better.

Edit: But let’s see more +2 because yes.

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Alright, broad spectrum reply to the “How can you administrate a community if you’re not friends/know anyone?” The answer to that question is that I’ll very easily be one of the most impartial administrators on the server, and courtesy of giving no favor to those I know, or quarter to those I don’t, will often be closer to by-the-book than others.

You are clearly deflecting the main issue image
image image

If i had to make an uneducated guess, after talking with the other NSV bee admins and one of the headmins this is what yall came up with as a response which is laughable. Either way all my points still stand.

He took it as an example, as sage is the linking server. Golden is linked to Sage. NSV is linked to Sage. Sage is the hub-wheel server. So we get the forwards from Sage.

P.S. This has also given us quite an introduction to the types of tickets Sage gets.

Additionally, this is SS13, and we’re talking about 50-70 player servers especially when discussing Sage population numbers. Cliques inevitably happen as people try to find some form of order in that amount of chaos of unknowns, and especially when you add that this side of SS13 codebases has alot of features that shun and halt inter-department interaction, leaving people merely to interact with those immediately around them in their department. Case and point: Oresilo/protolathes and Botany chemdispenser.

Additionally, this is SS13, and we’re talking about 50-70 player servers especially when discussing Sage population numbers. Cliques inevitably happen as people try to find some form of order in that amount of chaos of unknowns, and especially when you add that this side of SS13 codebases has alot of features that shun and halt inter-department interaction, leaving people merely to interact with those immediately around them in their department. Case and point: Oresilo/protolathes and Botany chemdispenser.

Those cliques are literally round depedant, and people generally play different roles. Sergei extrapoled the idea that the server is composed of multiple cliques and that i was part of one of them, when thats not the case. Otherwise cliques outside the game aren’t really a thing per say as they are extremly uncommon, and those that exist in game are just department related and end the moment the round ends.


100% with Moccha, cliques sometimes happen if few people meet in one department, but generally it is random.

Yes. You caught me. It’s a conspiracy, I totally needed to give Jenkins a blowjob in order to come up with a valid response. If you really think that we were talking about “Oh, hey, what should I say next” you obviously don’t know any of us well enough. We were focused on cross-server operations as usual as NSV moves towards final release, as well as operational standardization between NSV and Beestation.

interaction with the community and being a player first

counterpoint: Aeder

Counterpoint: Aeder has about 17 reports on him and I don’t think he’s that liked, though I personally do think he’s a good admin.

I don’t think we need another Aeder though, I’m pretty sure the heads are already busy with one.

Anyway, after a hefty discussion with Crossed, I’m going to change my score to a +1; as long as you uphold that promise to get more hours, I’ll welcome you in; all I want is for you to understand the frustrations of the Beestation player.

T: +6


I think it’s super weird to crave administration powers in community you are not a part of :flushed:
For real though, if you were really that invested, farming, let’s say 100 hours wouldn’t be that hard.


I was a player for just shy of 300 hours before adminning?
I am very hit and miss with being player liked admin. But enough about me.

My opinion does not matter here. Bee is not a democracy.


Well same thing was with Franc and Ta, but they got through as well. So just clap your hands for a new admin with 0-9 hours of playtime. :slight_smile:

Edit: An idea, should we ping those people that we rejected because they had like 100 hour playcount? Should we tell them to apply again?

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I agree with Mat, letting someone in with low hours just because they admin on another server is a double standard. If Sergei gets the position we may as well remove the playtime requirement.