Ruling on abductors stealing

(I was an abductor so expect bias)

  1. Item wasn’t in the bag or something, it wasn’t purposely stripped. It was dropped by them after they tried stunning the agent with it.
  2. You can’t teleport items back to the station, we tried.
  3. Abductors are allowed to eliminate things like the AI if the AI is a threat to them, so I don’t see the problem with antagonists getting an antagonist item.
  4. They can give people custom objectives and organs that can EMP, kill, spam slimes and spiders etc. but aren’t allowed to influence the round in any way.
  5. The antag objective I can see why you wouldn’t want it taken, that was fair but the fireaxe and spare ID should be perfectly fine. Fireaxe isn’t an antag objective and can only be used as a weapon against them (and was obtained when someone using it against the agent was stuned), and the spare ID which gives access to antagonists which I don’t see the problem with either.

Sure they are meant to be ‘silent observers in lore’ the same way they can go ham and kill anything that is a threat to them, they can teleport around the station but are expected to not have AA.
In my opinion, they should be treated like regular antagonists with the no murderbone part and have the part about killing AI if its a threat removed, since the alien headset blocks abductor vision anyway. (Really it should be like clockie teleport and just block them from teleporting into the AI core)

(and makes the game unfun for other players).

How does taking a fireaxe and AA make the round unfun but teleporting next to the AI and killing it in an uncounterable way is ok.
The antagonist objective should have been returned, the agent shouldn’t have been noted for taking it, the same way IAAs who can’t murderbone won’t get noted for taking AA or X-01.

Whatever the case, abductor agent you were still incredibly based capturing 10 people in security simultaneously. Godspeed

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