Rules & SOP Rework Announcement

Howdy! BIG news for you all! After a looonnnggg wait, the time is finally here! The rules rework has been completed! I am here now to tell you all that our new rules, policies, and procedures have all been finalized and we are ready to share them with you all.

With this rework we had three major goals in mind.

  1. To remove the open-ended ambiguous nature of our older rules
  2. To centralize our rules as much as possible
  3. To standardize how we administrate

With the first goal, we tightened up existing rules and expanded on what we used to have; giving each rule a full description, as well as informative bullets & examples to help make the intention of the rule a lot clearer.

For the second goal, we have transitioned into using the wiki as our sole source of rules. We will no longer be splitting the rules between several different locations. Additionally, all of our previous council rulings will be voided. No more confusing case-law strewn all over the place.

Finally, for our last goal, we have removed the previous hard divide between the servers. Moving forward, both servers will adhere to hard-set global rules with additional rules added based on their needs. For example, Sage has role-play specific rules added that do not apply to Golden. We have also standardized our formatting to make citations easy. All rules can be cited using the following format, [Section Prefix][Number].[Key Information Subsection]. For example, R1.3 would be the citation for, “Do not harass or insult admins in a ticket.”

The new rules can be found on our wiki here:

In addition to the big rules changes, we also made some modifications to our pre-existing policies. All of which can be found at the bottom of our rules page. Including our massive SOP rework! That’s right! We didn’t just stop at rules, we also fully reworked our in-character Standard Operating Procedures!

These procedures are meant to be guidelines written from the perspective of Nanotrasen with the goal to help provide some best practices. These procedures are malleable and players won’t be punished administratively if they don’t follow them to the letter. However, Heads of Staff will be held to a higher standard and are expected to follow their set procedures more closely. This applies to both our servers under R7 per our rework.

You can find a link to the procedures at the bottom of the rules, or you can get to them directly here: Standard Operating Procedure - BeeStation Wiki

.:: :warning: IMPORTANT INFORMATION :warning: ::.

These changes are to be considered live as of the time of publishing. Because these are massive changes, we don’t expect everyone to acclimate immediately. We will be giving everyone a grace period of at least 1-week to get used to the new rules. This is not a free pass to break our rules, however. Players who are caught following our older rules, or misinterpreting the new ones, will be given a temporary note, and given guidance on what rules they need to be following. Repeated/egregious breaks will be met with the usual expected action taken against them.

Once the grace-period ends, the rules will be in full effect and admins will revert to their standard procedure.



A. The rules have been rewritten to make enforcement easier and to make our expectations a lot clearer.

Q. For pre-existing appeals/reports, are the current rules or old rules applied?
A. Incidents that happened before the rules-rework will be covered by our previous rules.

Q. Are SOP going to be administratively enforced?
A. Yes and no. Heads of Staff are expected to closely follow their SOP and to enforce it on their staff (the actual severity of this enforcement will vary depending on which server you’re playing on). Admins won’t actively enforce SOP breaks against normal roles, although repeated/egregious breaks on Sage may be met with administrative action. Heads of Staff, however, will be expected to follow their SOP as per R7.

Q. Can I be banned during the grace-period?
A. Yes. We’ll be a lot more lenient during this first week, focusing more on getting people adjusted over harsh enforcement; but, that will change once the grace-period has ended.

Q. Do all the old council rulings still apply?
A. No. All prior council rulings are void. If it isn’t listed on our rules page, it no longer applies.