Ruko Ruling Disagreement

Your Discord:lefazhorrible

Offender’s Discord: rukofamicon

Incident Description: This is gonna be a long one and I’m going to try to explain everything the best way possible. Unlike Henk noted by ruko this is not an appeal bcecause I agree with the note but a whooping 2 points for a note that’s not only poorly worded but also states false claims is nuts.

First of all, in my opinion this should be a 1 point note for continuing on a topic after and administrator told me to shut up. That’s all I did wrong. Now let’s see what Ruko said it happened.

“2 point warning issued by rukofamicom for If you have an issue with another player, ahelp it. You were told to stop by an admin without a warning and then continued on pouring a mountain of salt. Do not psychoanalyze players and accuse them of being terrible people, this is incredibly toxic behavior.”

Let’s go step by step: After a super frustrating shift (Round 49989) where me and mime got in trouble because of the AI taking the lawset too seriously and commanding security to arrest us, we get brigged 15 minutes by security on green near roundstart for a small conflict we didn’t even do, and we didn’t even got a chance to be heard or to explain ourselves. After that, the shift didn’t improve because the 2 officers resigned and gasligihted the captain because they bailed us out of jail instead of letting us rot for 15 minutes in prison. After shift ends, I go in general and complain about what happened. The AI, played by meowdev and I, talk things out. Wasn’t the best conversation but we end up on a good note. I then take issue with Rita because several times and consistently (something I’ve spoke with other people) interacting with her as a secoff is basically trying to talk with a wall, except this wall shoots you while you are typing and puts the maximun amount of sentence. GRANTED. I start talking with slight sarcasm because this player as usual when confronted with valid criticism either just becomes sarcastic as fuck or justifies everything they ever do, so I get a little on the defensive, Sure, my bad.

But then I say to them what I think it’s the reason for this report.

But I REALLY try to talk things out in a normal manner and explaining to them what I think the issue is, not everythign is salt salt salt.

So Ruko is straight lying when he says I was pouring a mountain of salt. I was calling someone out as people have done with me when I have consistently display shit behaviour that isn’t technically breaking the rules or when other players do things that make interacting with them a chore. And I did include my own experiences or advices so it wasnt “fuck you dude fuck you you fucking suck go fuck yourself”.


It is normal withing a community to call each other out and If I didn’t get slapped on my wrists by the own playerbase I wouldnt let behind bad behaviour I’ve left behind. The conversation was very lit and it should have taken place in the mines, but I didn’t step outside of any boundaries and 2 points for this is NUTS. It is also I lie I was saying they were “horrible people” I was taking issue with them as a player. P-L-A-Y-ER. So it really bothers me that that note puts me like I was psychoanalyzing persons and accusing them of being terrible people, I was not, and I think I would like a head admin to read the chat logs again because I wholeheartedly think Ruko did not read the discord logs with patience and objectivity, specially when he just came from giving me another point, it feels like he just read throught it and went “yeah hit the warning note for 2 points who cares”. I don’t know how can you read “fundamentaly wrong as a player” and go “Yup! They are saying they are horrible people”. I am not?? It something completely different. Go read the logs again. There are 2 sarcastic responses but if you do “from:lefazohorrible” and scroll up you start seeing normal messages inside the conversation.


So no, I wasn’t pouring a mountain of salt (because everyone here should know what that looks like when I do it, specially admins that have seen me in the past like Marshmellow or Tamumus) and I wasn’t psychoanalizing anyone and telling them that they were horrible people. I would like to get a head admin to take a look at this with a more neutral eye and consider lowering this to a 1 point warning and reword the note because it portrays my actions and myself as something they werent.

Additional Information: And one last thing, let people call each other out, it is healthy for player development to get called out for things you dro wrong, I’ve been called out and many other people have been called out for consistent shit behaviour, and surprise surprise those who didn’t listen are nowadays those that make the playerbase frown upon hearing their name, while the ones who left behind stuff have made giant steps and are appreciated by people way more. Do warn me for a point for continuing a conversation I was told to shut up and in general, but don’t make up that I was accusing people of being terrible people and pouring a mountain of salt because that was a completely valid callout for a completely shit move in a round that affected me and sunk my experience of the shift. Specially when is a behaviour that is repeatedly appearing in a player and it isn’t technically breaking any of the rules, so admins can’t do shit about people just being asses IC because that’s IC issue, but you should allow people to call each other out and don’t just say its “pouring a mountain of salt” because if you read what happened more than 1 minutes you eralize I had more than enough valid points. So yeah, complaining should be valid, but I should also do it in the right place, and if I get told to shut up I should shut up. Thats why this report is not “remove the note completely” but rather “please make the note reflect that actually happen and remove 1 point because half of what the note says is false or a heavily altered version of reality” and what actually happened wasn’t worth 2 points

If you believe the only thing you did wrong is continuing after the admin said to stop when making this statement, there is not much meaningful I can add to this topic:

The warning is two points because not only did you continue after being told to stop but you made ad hominem attacks in continuing.

You have been warned and even banned for this kind of behavior in LOOC and doing it in discord is not much different.

edited in an L because mobile phone autocorrect moment

Yeah let’s not speak things why bother

I find hilarous you posted the same screenshot I already posted I’m starting to unrionically think you don’t read everything before posting or making decisions, not only that but you didn’t adress 2/3 of the topics I talk about on the report


After re-reading that over and over the only thing I can see being an “attack” or “salt” is that comment about wanting to make people waste 15 minutes and that last part about “there’s something wrong with you as a player” which is also not saying you are a piece of shit of a person it’s saying you need to reevaluate what you are doing because you are not doing things right. At worse is a harsh way of saying things but in NO point of all of that I atacked the person, insulted them or anything. It was all about the game and actions taken in game. I still can’t see how any of this is THAT much of an attack that it warrants 2 points and making up that I told them they were horrible people.

I would like you to respond to all the points I made and you decided to not respond if you are feeling like it, and if not, I’ll wait for a head administrator to respond, but I would bet you’d know better what “massive salting” and “attacking” people is after so much time in SS13 communities.

You just decided to remove 65% of my interactions with this community for at least a month for a your momma joke and other stuff you didnt even stop to read carefully with an objective eye (nor where you there to watch everything unfold with context at the moment, you warned me the following day out of the blue), just because, you know, you felt like it.

Hello, and thanks for the report!

First of all, this should have been an appeal, but we’re going to deal with it here so that way no more time is wasted.

After discussion on the headmin level, we agree that this warning should be a 1-point instead of a 2-pointer. Please remember to listen to admins when they tell you stop, and try to prevent this from happening by avoiding discussing topics this like this if you think you’re not able to keep your cool.

Thanks again for the report!