Ruko removes kick-stuns and makes disarming harder

You should never put up a vote for balance decisions that make people weaker. It’s like asking taxpayers to vote on their tax rate.

In my objectively correct opinion, this is the right direction. Next step should be removing catching thrown items reliably. It doesn’t make sense a regular assistant can catch a shuriken thrown by a ninja.

There’s also no delay for throwing items, I’ve witnessed a macro abuser yesterday throw syndicate throwing cards 5x per second.

Literally 1984 i accidentally clicked the wrong option in the poll. Tragedy.


The important part you’re forgetting is that RPGs also have stats. Having everyone have the same chance of successful disarms is just as immersion-breaking if for example a Medical Doctor manages a successful disarm on a Security Officer and the SecOff repeatedly fails to disarm them back.

Having different roles have different stats also helps with your other intended goal:

Positioning mattering is not mutually exclusive with RNG. The PR can be changed so that there’s a higher chance of disarm if there’s a wall/table/carbon behind them so that there’s still a strong skill element. However if you really want to discourage validhunting then stats are the only way IMO.

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Both PRs got the key treatment


Still does not take away the fact that you can get randomly disarmed without having a skill issue if it’s RNG


That’s based on the assumption that skill should be the only factor for unarmed combat. This is a RPG not an action combat battle royale, so it makes sense to me that stats and RNG is also a factor.

Otherwise the game is being designed solely for veteran PvPers, which is the opposite of the server aiming to be newbie- and roleplay-oriented.

Well, that’s what YOU think. There are plenty of people who would rather have combat stay as it is, rather than making everything a boring stat check. Nobody is contesting that this is an RPG, but that doesn’t have to reflect on combat being limited to paralelling classical RPG games.


Does voting here actually changes anything ?

Replace all combat with “Rock Paper Scissors”. Add a bunch of modifiers depending on your weapon/skill, (like being able to skip a lose) and you’ve recreated Vampire Masquerade combat.

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To follow the server’s intended (and dramatically changed since mid 2021) purpose instead of continuing down the path of attracting players who just want to play on outdated tgcode without much regard for the server’s purpose.

The goal of our server is to immerse players in a fictional universe, enabling them to roleplay with each other. Your character is a grown adult working on a research station for a major company. You are a professional; act like it. Have a sensible name, construct a character for yourself and behave as the character would, and avoid breaking the immersion.

Then run the fuck away when it is an option, like the other portion of the powergaming rule says to do instead of ignoring that you’re supposed to have a sensible response as an unarmed combatant. Grab something nearby to fight with and do the best you can if running away isn’t an option.

“Powergaming” is considered to be the act of prioritizing “winning” rather than sensible roleplaying. Good roleplaying means that you have to embrace the possibility of “losing” for the sake of roleplay and/or preserving immersion. nor should you ever generally be rushing into danger unless it is part of your job.

If the stations had more open space I wouldn’t be so against wallshoves, but it’s the single most centralizing aspect to combat right now because of how powerful they are and how cramped everywhere on every station is. Weapons mean very little in the face of anyone reasonably experienced in combat, and that confidence in their ability to shove leads them to acting in ways that are suitable to their personal player experience levels instead of to how their character would react.


But then they can’t horizontal the funny sprite. :thinking:

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This can be done without altering the code of the server on completely unrelated aspects of the game that do not have anything to do with the problem at hand. It’s a matter of administration now as the code and rules have been sufficiently altered to a point where MRP can be facilitated.

Ok… But what does that have to do with the PR? If this is the problem, then you’re just offloading that problem onto a different problem with this problem (people taking their chances with RNG) , which, in the end, will make the prblem worse. What I meant with that was that comment was that:

A) Wallshoves are the only real way to fight back.
B) It is difficult.

By making it RNG based, you’re removing the difficulty part, and thus, pushing people more towards fighting the antag rather than running away. Wallshoves won’t work unless the opposing combatant is braindead, or you’re in very specific situations where it’s unavoidable. The only real argument I see against wallshoves being broken is when they’re used for surprise attacks, where I agree that it’s literally impossible to counter and you’re basically destined to die.

This is simply not true unless the person with the gun has an extreme skill issue. Guns are still overpowered.

How does this make sense? Wallshoves go both ways. You’re just as likely to die from it than you are to kill someone with it. Strawman argument.


Strawman is when you construct a scenario and then argue against it, shoves literally make the sprites horizontal. Having a mechanic available to both sides of a conflict between antags and crew does not make the mechanic inherently balanced. It gives way too much power to unarmed combatants that should straight up die if they try to fight an armed opponent.

The whole point is that you’re not supposed to be anywhere near equal grounds when fighting antagonists unarmed. Nobody runs away in fear anymore because they can compete even without any preparation.

What if we kept wallshoving for martial arts


Even better, add traits to security jobs to signify them being trained in combat. Want to become an officer mid round? Though luck you’ll be a weak shmuck since you didn’t train for years.

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This is more or less my argument. Having a mechanic which massively boosts the power of unarmed players directly enables unarmed valid-hunting and unrealistic (from an RP standpoint) reactions to facing an armed combatant.

Having a mechanic which enables some chance at fighting back without it being a good chance is a better path than continuing down the “just avoid walls in this tightly cramped station” path.

This is not true in the least and I don’t even think I’ve ever heard someone make this argument. Guns fire projectiles that move quite slow considering how high our movespeed still is. There is only so much you can do to lead shots (especially with lasers).

I am not an experienced combatant and I have zero issues making people using guns miss because leading shots is nearly impossible if you, as the person dodging, have the timing down of when to change the direction you’re moving because even as little as three tiles away is enough time to completely sidestep in the time it takes to travel.

Only one of the two listed PRs is RNG based, and the RNG chance is much lower than it was before the disarm mechanics were changed around the start of the Ssethtide.

@Ruko Yet again, skillchips make their reappearance, lmao.

We should consider reopening that PR if it keeps unknowingly being suggested honestly.


Had a recent discussion about them and there’s probably enough support for an actual skill system now instead apparently.

Anyhow, I’ve gotta dip for my surgery. Will be interesting seeing where the conversation here goes.


Ooh a surgery, hopefully nothing major I hope?

Good luck


Haven’t read the rest of the thread becouse i don’t feel like it but if i loose my ability to bully people on the ground I’ll be pretty mad