I might be very well mistaking about categorizing this under staff report because the situation is sort of confusing
In-game misconduct:
CKEY: pixelman77
Your Discord: pixelamn#3377
Offender’s CKEY: unknown
Offender’s In-Game Name (if relevant):
Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 06/22/20
Round Number: 38833
Part of Admin/Mentor Conduct Broken (if relevant): so a part of chapel got the objective to summon their omelette god, which they did (and this in fact is very good for admins to actually do SOMETHING in the round instead of just menacingly observing how the station goes to hell.) and a wizard got later summoned to kill this god.
the problem is, this god was given fireball spell and that blood walk thingy used by blood demons and they used it to attack several people at departures (including me), then when I tried to fight back with my sniper rifle (yes, wizard moment) 3 of the followers gather and shoot/slash me to death, even when an unrelated doctor was trying to take me out of this battle zone they followed to finish the job.
when ahelped this was marked as IC issue because I “was trying to murder their god”
Incident Description: yes I just wrote everything up there (might be player report as well?)
Additional Information: admins being creative is actually very good and I want to see it more but not when a god like entity spawns and randomly thrown fireball at people.
If your issue isnt actualy the adminbus but how the situation was handled, then the title might be a bit misleading
But staff reports are the right place to post about “i disagree how the admin handled/judged this”
so you’re all good with the category
i was thew chaplain thats round. I basicalyl started what occured this round ( but i didnt not call for violence). if you need me please tell because i fell somewhat repsonsible what occured thats round
i wasnt aware thats the Great EGG was in control of a normal player. i only foudn otu after it became an omeltte ( with bloodcrawl and fireball) after it ordered the killing of all none believers. I then ahelped to tell haliris if this isnt goign a bit too far ( dont remember the exact wording) which i then found otu he wasnt controlling it.
I want to say that, no, if the roleplay from chap was fun and fine, and the god got given appropriate powers to fight off a wizard, then it’s absolutely normal for said god to defend itself.
If it went rogue and started attacking others, then resolving it as IC issue is bad and is worth just notifying the admin through staff report, but if it’s for the admin bus itself, please no - we barely get any from admins nowadays as they’re too afraid that funny report for trying to make the round more interesting than totling #32034
completely agree with this but the wizard itself was admin spawned too, my problem is not at all the fact that “hey admeme ruined my round ban he!!!”
problem is, there seems to be a lack of control on these events, I love it when adminbus is done right, even if it is hostile and I get notified/alerted somehow so I can act accordingly. not when I go to departures and I start praising a flying plate of eggs and then it starts shooting me with fireballs for the funny.
hell, I myself used to do thess little adminbus events when I was admin, but I was noted for it one time it got out of hand. So after that I tried to keep it less “monster attack” type or keep an eye on the spawned thingy so that they don’t commit mass murder, or control said thing myself so that I become completely sure that the event is not going to get people killed.
maybe off topic, but i just want to point out that this very specific event got turned into a meme and i’ve got friends who barely play ss13 dming me this picture
This seems like a clever event people overall enjoyed, and i genuinely don’t think the admin should be punished for making a memorable moment to all the players who participated.
I am not calling for punishment, I am calling for consideration that spawning several godlike entities that are bound to no rules is not going to end well.
If the OP creature went rouge and killed a few people with zero justification and the admin in charge didnt take any action (even so much as a verbal warning) then yes. I would say it then becomes an admin issue
From the report it makes it sound like it attacked a crowded area first. I wouldn’t call that an IC issue… unless something happened in a prior encounter earlier in the round to justify such…
(I think events like that are fine as long as the creatures are kept in check and don’t just derail the round for those not involved)
It seems to have went well, created fun roleplay opportunities, and although you can call into question how they handled the ahelp you made (which, rereading, it does sound like you jumped into a situation where omelette was attacking someone and you decided to jump in and attack without further context, thus getting killed), the bus itself was fine.
tho imo, the staff report for mishandling the ahelp is a good idea, to check whether it was ic issue or not.
as I said, I walk into departures, I see this giant omelette coming out of chapel, I go “DEAR GOD” and stand to look at for a second when it launches a fireball at me.
also isn’t it kind of weird to say that it was not a rule break because it was fun
Maybe the omelette player shouldn’t have started firing fireballs for no reason, this could’ve also been a completely accident on their part or a miss-click.
I’m all in for admins doing this kind of stuff, maybe what would’ve helped clarify and prevent certain scenarios was some flavor text alongside the objective for both the Wiz and the Omelette regarding what they were allowed to do, of curse we don’t want a random Omelette or Wiz going full bone (though if the admins were present they would’ve ended any wrongdoing on th spot)
Personally i would’ve just spawned in front of the Wiz and said ‘‘Yo, you read your objetive right? Good, please don’t buy any mass summon event, only things to take care of the Omelette’’ thus preventing the crew having insta-gib weapons/magic and containing the event 100% on those involved(cultists, omelette,wiz and maybe heads/sec)
Sounds like a ic issue…freshly joined player loses spawn protections by holding a weapon into a wizard whom pre-emptively fireballs to save its ass (sniper rifles can end you if used well)
Hope a log dive clears everything up.
Must say its really demoralising to see players not understand the circumstances of their misfortune.
These admins are not going to be encouraged at all to run future events with reports like these.