Robust people

I kill other lings to prevent ping pongs! Do I get a medal?

No. You get an admin cookie.

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Ohh this is a long one better impress me boyo

Iā€™ve played the game for 4 years now. Have looked through the code, inside and out.

There are very few things that I donā€™t know.

There are many mechanics, such as Circuits that are heavily underused and arenā€™t used to their full potential. The duality of the ComSpy that (I made a version myself.) but someone showed me of a circuit that listens in on all station radio channels is helpful for the traitors or greyshits but are just as damaging to Security/Heads of staff.

I have a lot of niche knowledge like the Emergency Medical holodeck setting has working machines, surgery, chemMaster, grinder, and sleeper.

Down to the fact that a wooden buckler has a 25% block chance and when clicked on with a stunprod/stun baton, you hit the buckler with a nice sound effect and some flavor text.

(The wooden buckler is a subtype of the Riot shield, so it works for those too, but they have 50% block chance.)

And the small fact that plasma glass shards do 1 more damage than normal glass shards, which makes a slightly more powerful spear too.

So you read thisā€¦

Ok here is your robust medal.

I havent read that in years

You sir are the most robust person I know. Wear that with pride

Itā€™s got a few things that need updates. But a lot of good shit in there. In other news, Iā€™m the LEAST robust person you know.

My favorite dumb fucking idea that somehow worked was that I took one of the security checkpoints, and converted it into real checkpoint. Weā€™re talking Papers, Please.

But I also put in a unary vent and air scrubber, igniter on a singaler, and just gased everyone without any papers. (Not everyone, surprisingly.)

I know itā€™s getting archived but thereā€™s also some nice info in here

this is a fucking cemetery, take a look at all of them.

they are gone


multiple ex headmins players mentors everyone moved on, only some remember also first post is literally about inari, good boy and everett jesus fucking christ i feel old


We do be ancient tho

Shame Good Boy is no more, he really was the one I was afraid of.

I actually saw Inari on LRP not too long ago, maybe a month back or so

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Thank you for that information, I will treasure this forever

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