Ro5490 Admin report - Very problematic approach to issuing bans

Just wanted to elaborate more on this, and the history of problems you deny having just by taking from what’s available on the forums:

You at least seem to have a serial issue with valid-hunting and have shown yourself to be especially aggressive and hostile toward antagonists or people you think have wronged you. It’s clear you disagree that some of the cases presented are as bad as admins think they are, but disagreeing doesn’t mean they didn’t happen or that your conduct isn’t bad - at most it’s a sign that this server might not be the right fit for how you want to play the game.

Examples of issues I found just browsing through your posts
  • You have a still open report where you try justifying beating someone straight into crit as a borg just because you happened to see them pocket the captain’s ID. You had an earlier conflict with this same person which calls into question whether it’s actually a case of metagrudge, or you just genuinely thought this was an actually valid reason to crit someone.

  • You try to argue that it’s okay to ling-test people with MMI and resist admins telling you that it is not okay to do and is against the rules.

  • You try to argue that heads need to be able to easily arrest people, further cementing you are not playing RD with the correct mindset and want to be more easily enabled to make arrests.

  • You have a note for valid-hunting wherein you attacked someone on sight (as RD) after overhearing them talk about having an emag with a partner. In this report you remark that they should have played better (whispered).

  • You reported a member of security for “malicious incompetence” because they followed good RP instead of facing down antagonists with an extreme gamer mindset. You complained in this report that they prevented you from searching their radio and PDA, trying to be as extremely thorough as possible.

  • You have a note for EORG prep as an RD, wherein you decide it’s a good IC idea to bring a TTV onto the evac shuttle.

  • You have the next most recent ban (which just ended) where you interrupted active RP to kill the valid.

  • You have the current ban for egregious over-escalation after a relatively harmless prank

You seem to strongly believe that heads of staff should be enabled to do things that others do not want them doing. You are in need of some self-reflection on what makes a good RD (and by extension a good head of staff) in the minds of others, not just in your own mind. Obviously you’re not always bad because people who are always bad quickly get permanently banned instead, but you definitely do have a recurring negative pattern of behavior and poor mindset that is not desirable for heads of staff.

To be perfectly clear - none of this is to say that you are, or that anyone thinks you are a bad person. As said farther up in this brick of text, it’s far more likely that this server is just not a good match for how you want to play SS13.