[Ro5490] Admin Report/Complaint

Unfortunatly due to internet issues I cant grab the other logs (turns out someone forgot to pay the internet bill and I’m now using my phone data to send this… But hopefully another admin can grab the attack logs from both rounds for me <3

I did spend time looking into things, not much, but the first case was open and close to me, yes I’ll admit sec wouldnt have came so I’m ignoring that section of the policy, however as part 4 of the escalation policy states

  • “you may crit them and get them to medbay and make sure that they get healed.

You did not attempt to take the body to medbay and instead left it in the hands of the RD who wanted to borg Misurn, and as you said, you already have a note about forceborging so you know that would have been an issue.
The fact you left the body to be borged by the RD means you skipped straight to section 5 even though the attack logs show that Misurn only switched to harm intent when they where very close to death by your hands, and was trying to push you away more than anything.
This is why I gave you a note for that round. If anything, I feel the note text should be adjusted to represent that fact.

// edit for clarification, both you and the RD this round where noted about the issues.

For the second issue,
Due to you resisting a demotion and calling security on the RD for trying to remove you from the department and trying to demote you, I marked this as IC. The RD has a right to demote anyone working in their department, They stripped you of all your science gear and took you to medbay, yes they might have lied to the borg about you causing a death but the borg wouldnt do you any harm due to its lawsets anyway.
After Closing the ticket and marking it as IC I didnt expect it to be re-opened, but as the RD had held you for such a long period of time I decided to look into it and see what was going on.
The RD told me they where trying to find a set of new clothes for you and then take you to the RD for an ID and PDA change so that you couldnt bother them in R&D anymore, Things looked legit to me so I double checked that they didnt cause the N20 and then marked this as IC as well, I wasnt orbiting you or the RD so I couldnt see where they had taken you beforehand or if they where chasing someone so I gave them the benifit of the doubt there.
The RD and you stumbled apon some N20 and ended up dead, it happens sometimes.

If any other admins want to add things or input stuff that I might have missed or overlooked that’d be great. And I’ll accept any criticism made by other staff members here.

Logs Below //


//Ahelp Logs

Misurn Ahelp

[2020-03-12 00:33:40.677] ADMINPRIVATE: Ticket #6: Misurn/(Misurn La): admin… are these traitors or just dont know they cant kill people?
[2020-03-12 00:34:00.523] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Ro5490/(Aurora XI)->Misurn/(Misurn La): Whaddya mean
[2020-03-12 00:34:12.371] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Misurn/(Misurn La)->Ro5490/(Aurora XI): they want to borg me, they beated me up#
[2020-03-12 00:34:50.104] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Ro5490/(Aurora XI)->Misurn/(Misurn La): I'll look into it
[2020-03-12 00:35:20.956] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Misurn/(Misurn La)->Ro5490/(Aurora XI): please do, in fact it seems that they ended up killing me, they also trhew me into the disposal, yep dead
[2020-03-12 00:36:02.871] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Ro5490/(Aurora XI)->Misurn/(Misurn La): yeah I noticed, Its being looked into
[2020-03-12 00:36:23.649] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Misurn/(Misurn La)->Ro5490/(Aurora XI): thank, ill go play in the other server, k?
[2020-03-12 00:36:56.155] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Ro5490/(Aurora XI)->Misurn/(Misurn La): Sure, but depending how this plays out you might get ahealed
[2020-03-12 00:38:19.471] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Misurn/(Misurn La)->Ro5490/(Aurora XI): uuuh, nah, cargo's are just inept, they havent been here a single seccond of the whole round, couldnt ask for them to give me a jani borg from my first one being stolen at the begining, which lead me to look at the guilty at borg, which got me killed, haha funny lol xd share and thumbup
//Closed Ticket

Astriker Ahelp

[2020-03-12 00:35:49.687] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Ro5490/(Aurora XI)->Astriker/(Michael Fisher): Yo, why'd you kill Misurn?
[2020-03-12 00:38:04.091] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Astriker/(Michael Fisher)->Ro5490/(Aurora XI): was just about to make a ticket 'bout that. Here it is: Hey so Misurn La rushed into sci after being told to get out multiple times, she continued to rush into sci and try spraypaint stunning me, I ended up having to crit misurn and ziptie them. the RD wanted me to borg them but I refused as its against the rules, I gave them to the RD so I dident have the liability. The RD took them to be borged however I did not condone or encourage it. What the RD did with them I am not associated with
[2020-03-12 00:38:33.286] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Astriker/(Michael Fisher)->Ro5490/(Aurora XI): They were only in crit when I handed them over to RD.
[2020-03-12 00:41:44.250] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Ro5490/(Aurora XI)->Astriker/(Michael Fisher): I cant see any logs about the spraypaint but please check out the Trespass escalation here - https://forums.beestation13.com/t/new-rulings/42##after looking at the combat logs though it seems Misurn was on disarm intent only, and only near death did they switch to harm. Please dont escalate to critting someone for tresspass without following tresspass escalation.##I'll deal with the RD seperately, thanks
[2020-03-12 00:42:41.197] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Astriker/(Michael Fisher)->Ro5490/(Aurora XI): they tried to spraystun me but only ended up spraystunning themselves, They kept coming after me and I really dident have a choice
[2020-03-12 00:49:07.417] ADMINPRIVATE: Ro5490/(Aurora XI) has created a note for Astriker: Failed to follow Trespass Escalation and put a guy into crit for Trespassing.
[2020-03-12 00:49:25.797] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Ro5490/(Aurora XI)->Astriker/(Michael Fisher): Please follow trespass escalation next time
//Closed Ticket
//Reopened ticket
[2020-03-12 00:49:50.785] ADMINPRIVATE: Ticket #10: Astriker/(Michael Fisher): Ro. sec wont come, comms are out, I had to crit them
[2020-03-12 00:52:06.012] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Ro5490/(Aurora XI)->Astriker/(Michael Fisher): You failed to take them to medbay, and left them to be borged, please dont re-open ahelps
//Closed Ticket

Brokenchair Ahelp (Disposals)

[2020-03-12 00:36:38.203] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Ro5490/(Aurora XI)->Brokenchair/(Dick McRection): yo, whyd you disposal Misurn?
[2020-03-12 00:37:57.126] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Brokenchair/(Dick McRection)->Ro5490/(Aurora XI): didn't want the bod in my room since the RD killed them
[2020-03-12 00:42:12.354] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Ro5490/(Aurora XI)->Brokenchair/(Dick McRection): Cool, try nd take em to cloning next time yeah, I'ma have a chat with the RD
//Closed Ticket

Chikage10101 Ahelp (RD)

[2020-03-12 00:43:47.338] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Ro5490/(Aurora XI)->Chikage10101/(Doll Ashbaugh): Yo why'd you kill and try to borg Misurn?
[2020-03-12 00:44:35.523] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Chikage10101/(Doll Ashbaugh)->Ro5490/(Aurora XI): Ok I did not kill her. second why not borg her?
[2020-03-12 00:51:23.823] ADMINPRIVATE: Ro5490/(Aurora XI) has created a note for Chikage10101: Tried to borg a non -antag forcefully without checking anything out or asking the captain.

//Chat Logs

Misurn + Astriker

[2020-03-12 00:30:41.003] SAY: Misurn/(Misurn La) “aye cybts” (Research Division (141, 89, 2))
[2020-03-12 00:30:45.321] SAY: Misurn/(Misurn La) “heal this cunt” (Research Division (141, 89, 2))
[2020-03-12 00:30:53.947] SAY: Misurn/(Misurn La) “or you fuckin die” (Research and Development (143, 90, 2))
[2020-03-12 00:30:56.965] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “stop bleeding in my department” (Research and Development (145, 90, 2))
[2020-03-12 00:31:13.368] SAY: Misurn/(Misurn La) “bitch” (Research and Development (144, 89, 2))
[2020-03-12 00:31:44.681] SAY: Misurn/(Misurn La) “come here coward” (Research and Development (146, 89, 2))
[2020-03-12 00:31:48.191] SAY: Misurn/(Misurn La) “ill paint your face” (Research and Development (146, 89, 2))
[2020-03-12 00:31:51.294] SAY: Misurn/(Misurn La) “and set ya on fire” (Research and Development (146, 89, 2))
[2020-03-12 00:32:37.927] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “RDDD” (Research Division (141, 90, 2))
[2020-03-12 00:32:49.328] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “uh” (Research and Development (145, 90, 2))
[2020-03-12 00:32:54.220] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “you do it” (Research and Development (145, 90, 2))
[2020-03-12 00:33:00.176] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “im not gonna be held liable” (Research and Development (145, 90, 2))
[2020-03-12 00:33:15.711] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “look im not doing any more” (Research and Development (144, 91, 2))
[2020-03-12 00:33:23.380] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “I dont want a liability on my hands” (Research and Development (144, 91, 2))

//Ahelp Logs #2

Astriker Ahelp 2

[2020-03-12 02:28:48.947] ADMINPRIVATE: Ticket #15: Astriker/(Michael Fisher): RD is assaulting me because I had them arrested for trying to demote me(they claimed it was because they could and I dident agree with them ) so I got sec to arrest them. RD comes back and flashes me and assaults me , takes my ID, tells the borg I caused the capt's death. and is now stripping me(Present time)
[2020-03-12 02:29:52.885] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Ro5490/(Aurora XI)->Astriker/(Michael Fisher): Well, The RD has the right to demote people in their department, this is IC.
//Closed Ticket

Astriker Ahelp 3

[2020-03-12 02:35:07.752] ADMINPRIVATE: Ticket #16: Astriker/(Michael Fisher): RD has been holding me since my last ticket for a demotion and is now taking me towards engineering. I dont know what they plan with me
[2020-03-12 02:36:35.583] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Ro5490/(Aurora XI)->Astriker/(Michael Fisher): looking into it
[2020-03-12 02:36:55.296] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Astriker/(Michael Fisher)->Ro5490/(Aurora XI): yeah they just walked me into a area with no air and a bunch of n2o. now im gonna die
[2020-03-12 02:37:18.281] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Ro5490/(Aurora XI)->Astriker/(Michael Fisher): N20 wasnt their fault but I'm looking into whats up with them
[2020-03-12 02:41:48.869] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Astriker/(Michael Fisher)->Ro5490/(Aurora XI): yeah now im dead cause of it. after being help for 7 minutes, im now dead
[2020-03-12 02:43:11.494] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Ro5490/(Aurora XI)->Astriker/(Michael Fisher): RD was tryna get you new shit so the HoP could officially re-assign you. he just happened to walk into the gas there and thats also IC. so theres no issue here. I get its annoying but sometimes this stuff happens
//Closed Ticket

Higiro Ahelp (RD)

[2020-03-12 02:35:54.267] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Ro5490/(Aurora XI)->Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai): yo, whachu doing with Michael there?
[2020-03-12 02:38:52.633] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai)->Ro5490/(Aurora XI): ok heres real story compared to bs they probly told i have not talked all round and kept shutters closed they kept opening was fine byt they got increasingly more out of line over time and as rd once people broke through things they had shutters open i told them you see now im right and then procceded tell them to leave and instead doing this bitched at sec who instread being resoniable and waiting my answers just flat out arrested my nothing backing them cause my net crashed so i tried to tell cap arest them for breaking space laws becuase i have athority to remove anyone in my department with good enough reason and sec just grabbing who ever i of course once back was going to remove acces and all that and then take to get him new stuff and moved away from science but this is happening now
[2020-03-12 02:40:00.640] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Ro5490/(Aurora XI)->Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai): all the ID stuff is valid i get that, but where where you taking him from medbay?
[2020-03-12 02:41:23.542] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai)->Ro5490/(Aurora XI): I had removed all cloathing i was trying find the extra cloathing to put him inthen try get hop change id and pda so that he have no connections or ways get back into science with out help becuase i wasn't gonig deal with someone acting tratiorious but this area is killnig him and I can't die can you like fix air here something please? cause i'll not die im too upgraded
//Closed Ticket

//Say Logs #2

Astriker + Hirigo in R&D

[2020-03-12 01:19:49.038] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “hey sorry about that” (Research and Development (145, 90, 2))
[2020-03-12 01:19:51.135] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “fell asleep” (Research and Development (145, 90, 2))
[2020-03-12 01:24:34.586] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “strip mine all” (Research and Development (148, 94, 2))
[2020-03-12 01:36:54.799] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “hey can you get circuits?” (Research and Development (144, 90, 2))
[2020-03-12 01:37:14.333] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “nevermind you got it” (Research and Development (147, 91, 2))
[2020-03-12 01:37:42.373] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “why lock down?” (Research and Development (147, 91, 2))
[2020-03-12 01:38:13.384] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “Our RD must think someones after them! They are wearing their full spacesuit and locking down science!” (Research and Development (147, 91, 2))
[2020-03-12 01:38:26.971] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “Uh” (Research and Development (147, 91, 2))
[2020-03-12 01:38:27.750] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “RD” (Research and Development (147, 91, 2))
[2020-03-12 01:38:32.594] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “why are we shutting sci” (Research and Development (147, 91, 2))
[2020-03-12 01:38:48.278] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “talknig to much you spread infection” (Research and Development (146, 93, 2))
[2020-03-12 01:38:57.880] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “What?” (Research and Development (147, 91, 2))
[2020-03-12 01:39:10.649] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “RD why are we on lockdown/shut shutters” (Research and Development (147, 91, 2))
[2020-03-12 01:39:29.839] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “explosions infection talk to much not talk much” (Research and Development (148, 94, 2))
[2020-03-12 01:39:43.128] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “You are speaking nonsense” (Research and Development (147, 92, 2))

Sec gets called to R&D over demotion

[2020-03-12 02:05:00.401] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “Zane” (Research and Development (147, 92, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:05:03.734] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “The RD is super paranoid” (Research and Development (147, 92, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:05:09.963] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “uh” (Research and Development (146, 92, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:05:13.004] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “I dont know” (Research and Development (146, 92, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:05:14.992] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “they wont say” (Research and Development (146, 92, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:05:24.029] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “they also are running around with their bomb suit” (Research and Development (146, 92, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:05:25.840] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “for some reason” (Research and Development (146, 92, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:05:30.132] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “I asked the same thing” (Research and Development (146, 92, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:05:54.873] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “haha do it” (Research and Development (146, 92, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:05:57.479] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “im doing better job then you” (Research and Development (148, 93, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:06:01.171] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “HAH” (Research and Development (146, 92, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:06:12.276] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “Oh hey look” (Research and Development (146, 92, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:06:23.381] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “illegal tech” (Research and Development (146, 92, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:06:26.233] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “hngh” (Research and Development (146, 92, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:06:31.133] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “sec do your thing” (Research and Development (145, 92, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:07:12.084] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “that is huge blobernaught” (Research and Development (148, 93, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:08:51.088] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “you see why” (Research and Development (148, 93, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:08:54.070] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “this is a good reason for a lockdown” (Research and Development (147, 90, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:08:55.004] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “now keep locked” (Research and Development (148, 93, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:08:55.614] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “but before” (Research and Development (147, 90, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:08:58.636] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “now shut f off” (Research and Development (148, 93, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:09:07.047] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “and leave my department” (Research and Development (148, 93, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:09:10.093] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “im rd” (Research and Development (148, 93, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:09:19.072] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “that means you fischer” (Research and Development (148, 93, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:09:41.125] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “oy!” (Research and Development (145, 90, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:09:47.568] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “What do you think you're doing?” (Research and Development (145, 90, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:09:56.856] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “i said leave my department and have rights revocked constent questioning me” (Research and Development (148, 91, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:10:06.754] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “Wait” (Research and Development (145, 90, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:10:08.441] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “my point proven why shutters closed” (Research and Development (148, 91, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:10:09.873] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “you want to demote me?” (Research and Development (145, 90, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:10:18.433] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “zane” (Research and Development (144, 90, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:10:19.754] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “i have this right” (Research and Development (148, 91, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:10:31.106] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “Uh” (Research and Development (144, 91, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:10:35.693] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “And I have the right to contact sec” (Research and Development (144, 91, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:10:42.900] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “Zaneeee come to RnD” (Research and Development (144, 91, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:10:46.089] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “Sec to RnD” (Research and Development (144, 91, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:11:43.641] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “Hey uh” (Research Division (144, 98, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:11:44.840] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “Zane” (Research Division (144, 98, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:11:51.170] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “The RD is tryin to demote me” (Research Division (143, 98, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:11:52.425] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “for” (Research Division (143, 98, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:11:55.753] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “not agreeing with them” (Research Division (143, 98, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:11:58.272] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “on the shutters” (Research Division (144, 98, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:12:07.500] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “micheal fisher is to be put under arest so” (Research and Development (147, 91, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:12:12.986] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “wow” (Research and Development (147, 91, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:12:15.602] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “im rd” (Research and Development (146, 93, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:12:22.019] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “i have right to take away his access” (Research and Development (146, 92, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:12:51.477] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “zane needs be removed for attacking rd and breaking laws” (Research Division (138, 95, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:13:08.314] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “ai” (Central Primary Hallway (166, 104, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:13:15.281] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “set arest for zane” (Medbay Central (182, 92, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:13:33.320] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “captain” (Central Primary Hallway (170, 127, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:13:38.094] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “really?” (Central Primary Hallway (169, 133, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:13:41.646] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “captain” (Central Primary Hallway (169, 133, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:13:46.527] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “zane is breaking laws” (Central Primary Hallway (169, 133, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:13:53.508] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “he is aresting me for trynig remove” (Central Primary Hallway (169, 133, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:13:59.039] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “someone from my department” (Central Primary Hallway (169, 133, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:14:13.233] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “im rd and have right to ask people leave” (Central Primary Hallway (169, 133, 2))

RD and Astriker Fight + Medbay

[2020-03-12 02:19:06.263] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “Micheal fisher is to be considered a traitor science if seen they are to be removed forcefully if nesscary.” (Library (130, 122, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:25:07.077] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “Help RnD” (Research and Development (144, 91, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:25:10.012] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “HELP SEC TO RND” (Research and Development (144, 91, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:25:14.540] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “RD ASSAULTING ME” (Research and Development (145, 90, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:25:19.952] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “HELP TO RND!!” (Research and Development (146, 90, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:25:26.468] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “stay down” (Research and Development (145, 90, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:25:27.194] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “SEC TO RND!!” (Research and Development (146, 90, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:25:41.000] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “HELP ME RND!!” (Research and Development (146, 90, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:25:55.613] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “HELP RND!!” (Research and Development (146, 93, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:26:22.667] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “AI HELP RND!!” (Research and Development (144, 94, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:26:25.796] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “AI HElP ME RND!!!” (Research and Development (145, 94, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:26:28.670] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “RD HARMING ME!!” (Research and Development (144, 91, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:26:33.944] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “HELP RND RD HARMING ME!!” (Research Division (140, 90, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:26:58.833] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “removing this traitor” (Research Division (137, 90, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:27:03.406] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “WHAT??” (Research Division (136, 90, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:27:07.178] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “he caused captain to die” (Research Division (137, 90, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:27:14.920] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “I DIDENT CAUSE THE CAPTAIN TO DIE WHAT THE FUCK?” (Research Division (136, 90, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:27:17.032] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “by making sec atatck me” (Research Division (137, 90, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:27:21.385] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “IVE BEEN SITTING IN RND THE WHOLE SHIFT” (Research Division (136, 90, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:27:21.626] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “for trying remove him” (Research Division (137, 90, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:27:35.266] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “you bitched at sec they attacked me” (Research Division (137, 90, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:27:41.494] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “becuase i told you leave” (Research Division (137, 90, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:27:52.228] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “and they atatcked me and then captain died” (Research Division (137, 90, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:28:07.746] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “you are not welcome here” (Research Division (137, 90, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:28:32.491] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “you wont die but not welocme here” (Research Division (138, 87, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:29:07.765] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “Internal affairs will love this!” (Medbay Central (166, 99, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:29:24.529] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “medbpot deal” (Medbay Central (170, 89, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:29:31.276] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “this traitorious person” (Medbay Central (170, 88, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:29:31.999] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “RD is rogue!” (Medbay Central (170, 89, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:29:36.249] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “before i actually hurt them” (Medbay Central (170, 88, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:29:38.303] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “They full stripped me!” (Medbay Central (170, 89, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:29:41.625] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “in sci!” (Medbay Central (170, 89, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:29:46.837] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “for disagreeing with them!” (Medbay Central (170, 89, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:29:55.435] SAY: Higiro/(Axylia Chiangmai) “they have caused captains death by being this littel bitch” (Medbay Central (170, 88, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:30:50.884] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) “WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME” (Central Primary Hallway (139, 106, 2))

//Middle of Ahelp Deadchat Logs

Taking Ahelps into deadchat

[2020-03-12 02:40:56.041] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) (DEAD) “Ro what the hell” (Arrival Shuttle Hallway (152, 190, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:41:15.405] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) (DEAD) “If you dident answer the first ticket with an IC issue this wouldent have happened. you shoulda looked into the FIRST ticket further” (Arrival Shuttle Hallway (152, 190, 2))
[2020-03-12 02:42:01.837] SAY: Astriker/(Michael Fisher) (DEAD) “If you looked into it further it really wasnt. you dont need to fullstrip someone to demote them. you shouldent be holding someone for 7 minutes to demote them” (Security Checkpoint (161, 190, 2))

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