Your CKEY:
Your Discord:
**How long have you been playing Sethtide
Who vouches for your experience (if anyone)?:
Hopefully many people
Game Experience (More Detailed): coming soon when I get screenshot from old appeal
we don’t need more shitposters for mentor, still don’t think you’ve really helped many people. -2
I worry your suffering a brain aneurism half the time
Check out my last appeal what 3-4 people came forward and said I helped them
A admin even saw me die helping a player
Stop, Get help
My mum used to say to me
“What do you want to be when you grow up”
Know what I’d say?
“A beestation mentor”
+1 400 hours, very based, funny, chill guy that doesn’t spam the N-word 20 times a day unlike some other people who are mentors. Has made multiple applications and seems sincere about wanting to be a mentor
Is killing himself to become a mentor.
Is a shitposter but mentorvault is already filled with people shouting sex everyday so this makes no difference.
High play hours.
Stop making unfunny memes.
While I was a mentor I never once saw crusader post anything useful or help anyone. While you’re kinda based sometimes, you need to chill out and distance yourself from bee station
Thank you brothers
As for the brother that turned against me, it has been duly noted
Experienced player that seemingly lacks a reason to live, might as well give him one.
+1 too based for jewmins
+1 because he is experienced and cool
-2 got denied already
Edit: Twice
+1 and thank you for the feedback Bacon
-2 did not post memes on returning to discord.
Doubting even deserving of real shitposter rank.
Poor effort all around.
+0 not fussed.
I’ve got a few meme ideas don’t you worry son
(Using my admin powers I change aeders to a plus 2)
+1 idek if this counts because im perma’d from da game atm
but very swag dude
Ty I got you son
Unjust permaban as for a regular ban i haven’t looked too much into it
Minus 2 because he already got denied so I’ll fuck him over even more. Henk
Denied cause I said a admin applicant wouldn’t make a good applicant cause he was too sensitive
And I was right
But thank you for the support I will take their minuses mentors outnumber admins anyway
While you’re kinda based sometimes, you need to chill out and distance yourself from bee station
I couldn’t have worded this better. This is beginning to look like an uncontrollable obsession. You were banned from the forums for a month because due to excessive shitposting and you’re at it again top to bottom already.
Not mature enough to be a mentor even if you have the knowledge to be helpful and I firsthand witnessed you dying while trying to help someone.
T: either 0 or -1
(pending steff05)