Reduce lrp default speed

Eh. I like the mrp speed for combat because it makes guns more powerful

You can literally just about outrun a disabler on lrp, its definetly not the way to balance it. Either scale the speed of projectiles to make combat a VERY HIGH OCTANE LAG ON LAG COCKFIGHT, or lower the speed of movement to make it somewhat less crazy and a lot better paced.
Or you could leave it as is and have a half ass combat even more reliant on stuns and ambushes than a regular ss13 server would be expected to be like.

Well, I’m willing to believe that at least half of LRP players are single, but if I want to be 100% sure I’d pick this one guy called tian…

this is fucking sad


36 upvotes and i have yet to see someone from LRP upvote this pr

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Literraly reddit moment


It’s not actually as big of a problem as you think because people are TERRIBLE at managing their mood and by 20 minutes in everyone’s 10-20% slower because they slipped and didn’t eat or drink anything and now their characters hate themselves. Meanwhile you can just go to the bar area, grab enough food to make your character happy full, take one sip of whatever it is he’s serving, and you’re guarenteed to go wayy faster than everyone else.

lol shut the fuck up, never seen any actual lrp player complaining about the speed, if you like going slower go to mrp, won’t change the fact no one likes you :flushed:

lol shut the fuck up, never seen any actual lrp player necro a thread to this extent, if you like to post old comments on stinky old threads go to reddit, won’t change the fact people don’t like necros :flushed: but it will mean it doesn’t fucking bump a month old thread to the top

Thread are still relevant as long as they open :sunglasses:

I mean, the projectile speed got buffed on lrp after this post was created, so it kinda fixed lrp.

mfw I don’t really see you on lrp lol
I absolutely hate super speed. It’s bad for new players and doesn’t make you robust.

You don’t see me on lrp cuz low pop and massive circlejerk nowadays, mrp is pretty much lrp before the pop drop just with more rules and less robusto people. And having super speed makes combat highly dynamic and encourages people to carry stuns or slow down items like bolas, hattraps, bear traps and so on. The more you fight other people the better you get at it :sunglasses:


not really, people over rely on their hyperspeed and assume others can’t hit them, until they fight someone that plays at a higher framerate than them.

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higher frame rate

just make 60fps default lmfao.

bruh you can just run away from every encounter you face
speed makes slowing everything that slows you down better than it should be and when you get slowed down you most likely will lose instantly.
even with faster beams hitting your target is still rng and dodging is easy as hell
if you don’t have slown downs and you don’t opt for ambush or something like that most likely your target will escape
super speed very cringe

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How is running the same speed as projectiles not the hugbox? I think superspeed is a hugbox for unrobust players that just want to run rather than think.

The hugbox argument is shit, too. Same people that want to keep hugbox cloning and have chems not have side effects.

Sure, bro. You don’t want to remove superspeed because it would lower the totally important skill ceiling but you don’t want to remove cloning and cringe ass hugbox sleepers :flushed:


the will just get slowed or they will get stuck on something

didn’t ask

Don’t see why slowing it down would lower the skill cealing???

Didn’t ask.


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Every time i hear the word hubox i want to smash someones face, face it every server is a hugbox for a particular kind of community and there is nothing wrong with it, infact i wish mrp was the old hugbox it was for more serious and rp focused players, instead of the shit show it is today. The same way lrp was a hugbox for people who liked to fight and just generally be a shitter but that’s what made the dynamic between both servers so great, you went to lrp to experience chaos and andrenaline and went to mrp to have a relaxing slow paced shift were you can enjoy the things around you.

i hope they just remove mrp and lrp and just make hrp to piss everyone off
