title kinda wayy tooo fast
Maybe add a stamina bar for running then?
No just decrease the speed lil bit
No, just no. The initial reason why I even played on Lrp and Bee is because the runspeed is nice and high.
Have you been on paradise? It’s fucking hell to get anywhere. IT’S SO SLOW.
I’m not saying fully reduce it but a lil bit. Fight’s get dragged out hard
Just use the same movespeed on both servers. @Nildo1 you don’t even play on LRP, you’re used to MRP’s movement speed.
Either that or just reduce it. Shit get’s dragged on wayy to fast and turns LRP more competitve than ever
lol no
go play fulp for a slower hugbox experience
Don’t you atleast personally think it’s little bit too fast and needs bit of tuning or just the fact you’re so used to it.
not at all and its not just about combat
hardsuits and eva are awful on slower speeds
I mean this highspeed makes shit like the secway extremely slow and if i recall right that shit is based on default running speed. Also been instances where Jungle fever always and will always get completely dominated due to the speed between the humans and apes.
Even better idea: leave the movespeed be but increase the scooter and ATV speed to the movespeed
That’s a good solution aswell.
move speed is fine imo
making disablers/e-guns locked to mindshield and HoP weapon permits wouldnt be a bad idea though
ew nah thats mrp shit thats baddie
steal a heads hand if you want to fire it or stop being a NRPer
Go to sage if you cannot handle LRP.
goto mrp if you cant handle lrp movement speed
I used to play on LRP a lot and I felt that mrp was not fast enough.
I don’t like MRP’s movement speed, it’s a bit too low.