Ranking every limited rp antagonist

sure let me just change it to a cat real quick

Cats are amazing dont you dare slander them.

Tho Foxes are superior, nothing beats the stupid fucking nose.

Morph lower, shadow person and spiders high, xenos high but otherwise I pretty much agree

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Why do you think morph is so poor at this? I find morph fun and enjoyable

Especially doing dumb things like this.

Morph is fun, although very low impact so it often doesn’t really lead to a whole lot of situations occuring as a result of them being in the round. Morph shop is a good example of causing some chaos and selling stuff to people, but most of the time they’ll just get killed by security since they are too weak; they aren’t something that causes fear on the station and actually results in a need to vary the way that you play the game which is where the most fun situations come from imo

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“Provided you’ve done research”
That’s a big if. A lot of the time, people barely research, or work off of incomplete information, look up the wrong things or fall into clear stereotypes.

I remember a friend with all the best intentions in my ttrpg group, who i knew to be extremely cool, trying to roleplay something I was particularly familiar with (thanks to my previous relationship). It was unbearable because while he assumed he was handling the thing well, he was not and worked off of stereotypes and “common knowledge”. As I said tho, the guy was extremely cool, so when I brought it up to him he just said “yeah ok sure didn’t know” and stopped playing that char.

Another example is people trying to handle ADHD/Autism and… just not fully understanding the issues it brings or how it manifests. Kinda like “The Good Doctor” which had an autistic staff member to advise what was accurate or not, and we all know how that panned out…

Point is, it’s extremely hard to handle subjects as complicated as mental illness and various issues like LGBT or racism stuff (which is why I always cryo everytime someone starts an “anti-specist” gimmick).

Trying to make a blanket statement of “Oh but they aren’t meaning to represent it badly or are not necessarily misinformed !” is not a good one, and acting out such issues in a poor way only serves to amplify/spread further the misinformation/stereotypes associated with it.

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Until they abuse 2 pixel objects and become unkillable without area of effect things.

I wouldn’t agree that they are low impact. Stealing the armoury, which I did and a tooooon of other things, was a breeze using the pipes. The morph doesn’t impact the station directly, but can seriously cripple the station depending on the player playing the morph. Stealing things like techfabs (even just unlinking them to the ore silo by destroying them) can cripple the department. Especially departments who are very dependant on it like Science and Engineering. Then you have Security which is highly dependant on the armoury

One morph combined with any threat and the station is fucked.

However, morphs are “clowny” in my opinion and can make for fun interactions.

Kalavi when he touches what is actually a morph: I Didn’t intend on having a wild trip today but I’m pleasantly surprised by this turn of events.

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I didn’t see it mentioned, or maybe it was but I mentally filter people out that have consistently bad takes but:

I think zombies are fun because:

  1. You run and hide or fight, and its generally pretty equal.

  2. Zombies… can talk! That still opens things up pretty good for rp. There is no one in this thread that hasn"t had a zombie tell them its safe outside over the radio.

Theyre a definite S tier imo


The zombies are fun because dynameme does not spam them unlike other antags as well


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