Plumbing has been soft-removed. Let's talk about it

The king has spoken


It’s fine to have skill at something you enjoy, to put time and effort into it, to care about how it does, but when you hold it so close to yourself that you get out of whack over a couple of undirected jokes, especially when that thing does not actually exist, then that is indeed the the time to take a step back, turn off the computer, and go for a walk.

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shut the fuck up cocksuckers ive just had the grandest idea

rework plumbing so its just a water network connected to all sinks and toilets and showers n shit on the station

create a plumber job that oversees the plumbing pipe network and filters waste and bad shit out and can modify the water everywhere either making it have some positive effect when drank or if theyre traitor making it vaporize and create deadly gangstalker smoke everywhere theres a toilet sink or whatever and shit
and give them mario and luigi outfits and start with fake moustache like chef

make plumbing a sub department in engi

wouldnt that be fucking sick

i mean think about the rp potential now that the water isnt magically appearing and is being brought from somewhere just like in real life come on this is pure genius


blood exploit got removed though, mate.

maybe to reduce resource cost, we should just have the chem fabricators use batteries, which slowly deplete (and then eject when fully depleted)

Already documented. Even with dupe gone and matter carts needed. not much changed…

quoting this again because i’m totally right

plumbing sucks, go all the way you cowards


Honestly? Maybe delete the chemfridges and give chemistry custom vendor parts roundstart. Maybe a device to recolour custom vendors would help.


It’s easy to win arguments when talking to a straw man.

I’m not going to cry myself to sleep if plumbing gets buffed or nerfed or removed. No one here is getting out of whack about this.

Let me also explain “bait” posters. Here is what you do:
Post some dumb shit. Then if someone agrees with you, you laugh because they are stupid for agreeing with your dumb shit. If they take you seriously then you can laugh because they are stupid for falling for a clear bait.

If you remove the entire post what value is lost? Nothing. It’s worthless. The meta irony is a way for cowards who have nothing of value to add.


I accept your acquiescence.

When contributers are mostly playing servers other than the one they’re contributing to, disregarding player feedback, and considering the opinions of people playing the game to be worthless, you’re going to end up with poorly thought out pull requests made for poorly thought out, arbitrary and in some cases spiteful reasons, that have a negative affect on the game.

There’s an easy way to fix this: listen to player feedback and consider taking action on it. That’s all I ask.


I am making these PRs to bring those things I like here to enrich my experience here. Simple as.

That sounds like you’re looking to add to the server, not remove stuff.

The answer is both. Somethings I’ve seen missing on servers make stuff better if they were also gone.

Pray I don’t get my way and rebase us to Bay.

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Why should I be worried about that…?
You realise I don’t mind change, right? This entire thread is advocating improving the server. The op has possible alternative changes, for Christ’s sake.

Rebase us to bay, if you think it’ll make the game better. I don’t give a shit.

On matters of what to add to the server, sure, most of the time I would agree but with veto power held by maintainers to prevent harmful additions.

On matters of what needs balancing and/or removal to control or prevent undesirable player behavior from occurring, no, I will not listen to most feedback on this. These are the kind of changes that are necessary for ensuring the community stays within or moves toward the bounds of what it is trying to be.

If the server is attracting people with behaviors that we don’t want, why would I listen to those players and let them continue pulling the server in a direction it is not supposed to be heading.

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My brother in Christ there are people that play bee (and don’t code for it) that are capable of understanding 2nd and 3rd level results of changes.

The players that result in an improvement to the atmosphere of the game are also going to give feedback, and I don’t think that should be ignored at all.

Plumbing as it was encourages and enables undesirable player behavior. The exact reasons why have been beaten to death already and there is no reason to go into it further.

Medbay as a whole additionally has an issue where chemistry and MDs are in a competition instead of cooperation. This is being handled in a medical rework which will separate what the two are capable of healing for the most part.

Needing to leave your department to replenish consumable resources (and by extension making more things consumable instead of infinite) is going to be a common trend of changes happening in the future: People need to leave their safe space regularly and interact outside of their departments.

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A little late but, you’ve always pushed the idea of idepartments cooperation, which i’m not against, but what happens on very low-crew shifts? I don’t think it would be enjoyable for those players if they were facing with a soft-lock because they’re playing on a time where a crew is less than 20.

And skeleton-crew access is only for their own departments so if you, for example, were to “force” a chemist to absolutely need a specific cargo order/science upgrade/botany plant to progress into making the very first basic chem or even a “tier 2” one that’s gonna be a common issue, of course people can always tide and do it themselves but i hope you take into account those small % of low-pop crews.

You can’t balance for everything. You can’t balance the game for 15 players and 70 players at the same time. Low-pop is a meme anyway. We either makes departments interdependent with mechanics that force you to interact with other departments or we don’t. Since most players play on high pop (logically) that is where the focus should be.

Lowpop, that’s not for Legitnezz gaemplay no Acacia lowpop is for the legit learning experiences on how to set up the SM for maximum delam spidrunz to power the station on the real shifts with high pop/normal pop