Please let me play, I didn't do anything bad (beside for antag role)

Shadowplay is a recording and sharing platform, not a cloud gaming system. At present I am unaware of any cloud gaming providers that support SS13.

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They may be referring to NVIDIA Geforce Now which allows you to play via cloud on a lot of different devices, mostly used if your PC is garbo and cant run a game properly
I’m not sure if that works for SS13 though

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Based on this appeal

They might be referring to or something. :person_shrugging:, yeah. It’s an actual full-on remote desktop unlike GFN which only lets you play a game and nothing else.
I use it too, the instances have a shared IP address so if some idiot gets banned from an SS13 server, nobody who got assigned to that datacenter can play because they will trip ban evasion.
I’m having this issue as well

Yeah I’ve seen a handful of these services where it provides a remote desktop/beefed up virtual machine.

You wind up in the same lot as some of our linux players, plagued by sticky ban issues and similar.

Yup, I wanted to try getting back into SS13 cause I was bored of all the liveservice grindfests I usually play so I made a BYOND account cause it’s been ages and I have no clue what my old one was, downloaded BYOND, tried to join /tg/ and got instantly permad for ban evasion because some idiot who also uses Shadow got permad. Tried Fulp, permad for banevasion (showed me a different username there, suprisingly). Tried Bee, permad, same username as the /tg/ ban.

Good to know, that I’m not the only one who facing this problem. However I’m very curious about what in the end the admins will say about this, but they are not aware of this type of gaming service therefore it is new case that require new approach. In any case it seems none of them gonna comeback to this post.

I’m still here. These things take time. Some ban appeals go up to months without even being answered once.

It is not a good system, but there is prescient for these kinds of false flag permabans being removed quickly. If your other account was not permabanned, there’s a good chance you’ll be back soon enough.

Alright, so, here’s what we got. Sorry for the delay in this.

You do seem to be a genuine player, and it seems you were wrongfully caught by using a remote desktop service to play here.

We’ve decided to lift this ban, as it seems it was wrongfully applied.

Appeal accepted