Please add a way for Ashwalkers to enter station without miner's help

Please add a way for Ashwalkers to enter station without miner’s help.
I’ve been away for a month or two and now I’m suddenly seeing that I can’t use the mining shuttle console anymore!
I have never had a problem as a crewmember with invading Ashwalkers and the one time I’ve heard of them invading they all got slaughtered.
I’ve always played as a friendly Ashwalker because I like trying to figure out how to expand with the limited resources that I have. So far I’ve managed to make deathnettles using weeds and uranium, make meat soap out of gibs, ash and water and I’ve recently read about “meatification” on the Github that’ll allow me to make synthetic meat slab with the resources I have.

If raiding Ashwalkers really was a problem I was unaware off why not make the console ID locked? That way if there is peace between the miners and the Ashwalkers then the miners can give Ashwalkers ID’s by printing on out with their own in some kind of mining station ID console.
That way Ashwalkers can freely get in and out of the station if they want to trade or passively snag stuff, or aggresively take the ID of a miner they’ll first need to subdue.
You could make the ID so that it turns to ash as soon as the miner dies meaning the miner needs to be cuffed with sinew cuffs, giving them more incentive to use them over zipties or handcuffs for Ashwalkers.
I also can’t really rely on the miners the bring me back and forth because they’re usually either all dead, have gone all back onto the station or there were no miners to begin with!


This was a protective measure put in place from preventing ashlanders from going on the station to murderbone or, in some instances, shuttle megafauna on board because they were salty Everett Garrison robusted them with a toolbox.

Ashlanders are primitive lizard humanoids that venerate a necropolis tendril that sprung them to life. You wouldn’t let a Goliath onto the station; why would you let a ashlander aboard?

idk man, if ash lizards manage to get their hands on miner id, I don’t see why not let them attack the station.


Ashwalkers aren’t primitive creatures. Sure, they’re tribal, but they have the same intelligence of the other species! Also, murdering someone because of a metagrudge isn’t allowed.
I think that instead of removing their ability to get onto the shuttle in two minutes it should take 10 minutes instead of making it extremely difficult.
They could also maybe try hacking their access in? With if you get the wrong wire a timer starts before you can do it again.
Any metagrudge would have cooled off by then.

i dont think cave dwelling snakes are able to use a console tbh

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Then they also shouldn’t know how to do limb replacements, farming or how to use any of the tools in their syndie toolbox either!


They dont, nobody heals eachother. The welder is fire, and only used to light the main campfire, after which you use torches. The farming is actually justified: they are tribals, not morons.
Even if you hrp this bitch it still makes no sense to change ashlizards from what they are now: a fun little lavaland survivor to play. Even if a lizard figures out that shuttles fly places, he cant understand how to use a computer, even more so why would he need a funky card. Many lizards also rush the free golems and get their hi-tech stuff there, but then again its only achievable through the creators legacy so id imagine he would leave instructions or something.
Edit: if you are not an asshole murderboner, you stay on lavaland. Even if you wanna chill with bros, you do it with other ash lizards.

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It shouldn’t really be about what’s logical though, it should be about what’s fun. Being stuck in Lavaland with virtually no hope of anything else will give a pretty bleak feeling.
A medical doctor should have no knowledge about how to prevent the SM from dellamming, but he suddenly comes to fix it because of lack of engineers no one complains.


Same thing with assistants


Ash lizards are a ghost role. They can do quite a lot for a ghost role, second only to golems.

as the resident ash guy.
yes it sucks but nothing we can do
also the welder wont always light the fire.
farm metric tons of cotton for arrows to outrange miners,

making more things for the ashwalkers to do is on my list of wanted stuff (poison crafting, tribal medicines, more building options, static spawn, a real objective)

I think that the correct way to go about letting ashies on board would be to have a mini development tree for them. They already have some tech to learn from. They should be able to eventually create some means of transport. Maybe an improvised pod that lands in the station. Right now they can advance only if they collab with golems.

This would separate the civilized ashwalkers from the uncivilized. While the former are researching shit the latter are hunting or trying to kill miners. Rules should state that any of the civilized ashies (ie anyone that boards the pod) use regular lavaland escalation.

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personally i think the best way to do it is having the mining console require a mining id to operate. and the sec one requiring a sec ID

This encourages boning though, which is the very reason ashies were restricted from the console in the first place.

Not that I disagree with the idea - I just think chances are low since the change was brought by such things in the first place.

Ashies are going to kill miners anyway its not boning and is more inline with the lore since they are not going to get any ways that i can reasonably rationalize to make a vessel to the station.

especially since they are always valid and miner kill them on sight

Fuck yes I’ve been wanting this for so long! Thank you!
I was thinking about something that can filter chemicals. Like some kind of tribal chemmaster.
I kept drinking cactus wine to heal because it had vitrium froth in it and then I became obese because of the nutriment in it. I also think that splashing some vitrium froth absorbs it into you, but also the nutriment, right?

lavaland tobacco removes your obesity.
ensure you farm all of your plants.
i also made the sprite for it


Oh yeah, I forgot about that!

farming too complex for braindead lwords


But they should operate consoles. Derp.

But seriously, this was added specifically to stop Ashlanders from boning, pretty recently.