Once again, Admin shut down a complaint,was in general too be fair

We live in a beeciety

it’s literally just the point of locking a thread because it’s ‘off-topic’ that’s lost on me. i get locking threads/deleting comments because of ppl being belligerent, i really don’t think the admins ask for that much on the forums

Spawners are literally out of admins’ hands. Those are decided at round start and we don’t have a button to spawn more. Spawning antagonist roles is usually a bad idea unless all antags are dead and spawning Xenos/Lone op aren’t even on the table.

I don’t usually get on LRP (Started to regularly about five days ago) because it’s not the server I prefer. Just this morning I banned someone for intentionally ruining a spawner and immediately responded during a hijack round when someone mentioned all the spawnwers were gone.

I did Thunderdome until I broke it and then enabled CTF with a shitty gimmick thrown in.

lock the fucking thread.

No don’t I haven’t shidded on it yet

Thanks for paying attention to LRP at all – rounds are noticeably better when admins are on. Without admins half the battle is just keeping greytiders from waltzing into your dept and griefing you 10 minutes into the round.

Honestly in general though I gotta say LRP has been getting better, I been taking a small break from MRP and LRP is genuinely fun again – it’s chaotic but no longer a living hellish nightmare.

Thunderdomes a thing, later at night sage can still play all gamemodes lrp cant,you broke a round of thunderdome by accident

have you played late in the night

^ he has joker photo so he must stay banned

not banned, changing my pfp to something more epic

as a former zoomer admin… why are there so many new admemes that i havent heard of like, theres randos becoming jannies