Once again, Admin shut down a complaint,was in general too be fair

Im getting annoyed of having my applications first closed because half of the people thought it was a shitpost, 2 time was fine they got annoyed my grammer wasn’t correct on the internet. Lrp is slowly dying and nobodys doing anything, Player want better and new admins (like me) that actually listen to them. Headmins and admins constantly abuse there powers. Admins don’t use there powers when the pop of the server want them to, for instiance the server dosent want a 20 minute gang mode for the 4th time. Theres a lack of stuff that other servers have that we don’t, that’s not custom code, Half of the time the only spawners are fucking hotel or beach bum.

the admins only like other admins and ignore the players which keep the server alive. theres sometime NO admins on And sometimes they don’t do anything.

Doesn’t the whole pop-cap exist to literally do something about the lack of LRP players

why is there a lack of lrp players

Preach it brother. Fuck jannies

people don’t like what the admins are doing to the server and leaving
ie okashibia

Cause MRP is Higher-Popualation, which gets more people to join it

okashibia was banned for posting porn

where in discord or fourms

there have been times where mrp was lower for a hour or 2

What would you do as an admin to fix things, and what specific problems are you talking about?

Lack of spawners, More game modes, Add more options for crew, report player input, dissuce changes to make the server better and more popular, people in mrp are lrping, people get banned for crappy reasons, More exciting evens, actually spawn stuff the players want when there’s below 15, Add more soundbites and custom sprites, remove spooky skeleton spawner until its fixed, replace beach bum and batener for something better,i don’t think anyone will miss it. embrace the memey nature of lrp instead of constricting it, Have extended rounds that don’t end after 15 minutes and waste everyones time,

I have the code for the game saved so I can copy into the more advanced consle commands to add them for the round

Spawners are not directly controlled by admins and require special approval since adding in too much chaos and antags can interfere with traitors already at work. Having a tator round cucked because admins spawn a ton of shit and ignore balance is dumb.

Game modes and crew options are under coder’s purview. You could just do that and improve the server without even needing an application.

I don’t know what you mean by report player input, but over the past few months we have gotten far better about handling forum reports. While not easily visible from the outside, player reports and ban appeals take a lot of time when handled properly. I am talking 1 to 3 hours each. That is why we get backed up and slowed. Also it is 100% work, 0% fun so for a volunteer staff not every is active with forums.

We constantly discuss changes to the server. Most of those fall under council though and not specifically admins. If you have issues with rulings or changes within that realm talk to player council to bring it up, or run for the position yourself when there is an opening.

The pop cap is meant to make LRP more popular. The additional rules are meant to further distinguish the two servers from each other. These are both recent changes. If you feel that people are banned for bad reasons that is a case by case basis. A lot of people advocate for harder stances on rules and bannings though, so keep that in mind.

Exciting events can be kicked off by player recommendations and getting an admin on your side. Generally it is pulling teeth to get a good pop for them though. I am sure admins would love to host events more though.

Sound bites and sprites, removing bugs/issues, replacing anything is all under the responsibility of coders, not admins. Again you can be a coder literally just by coding and submitting an adjustment. If the public votes in favor after its been tested it gets merged. Its dumb to think that is an admin responsibility.

LRP is allowed to do whatever memey stuff they like as long as rules aren’t broken. I don’t think anyone has an issue really with the rules as written. LRP’s promote a good balance between chaos and functionality. That is an issue for council though not admins. We only enforce rules and give opinions, we don’t write them and apply them ourselves without community or staff agreement.

Extended rounds usually devolve because of player fuckery, not admin intervention.

Adminning is far more tickets and work than just spawning things in. MalevolentBacon was of similar mentality as you and resigned within 2 days after seeing what we actually have to do. I have played only 3 actual rounds in 3 months since becoming an admin, since I prioritize tickets and staying impartial over enjoying the game. It is masochistic, but it has let me do a decent job at it.

TL;DR these issues are not caused by admins, and you don’t seem like the person who would enjoy the work, or do a faithful job.

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then why are they not fixed



spawners don’t interfere with station

round vote is a option, manually setting the game mode is a option

I don’t know what you mean by report player input, but over the past few months we have gotten far better about handling forum reports. While not easily visible from the outside, player reports and ban appeals take a lot of time when handled properly. I am talking 1 to 3 hours each. That is why we get backed up and slowed. Also it is 100% work, 0% fun so for a volunteer staff not every is active with forums.

no transparency

Don’t be a zoomer autist and post 6 different replies. Put it in one post