*OFFICIAL* Nick Dorito Memorial Service Thread

Sage is Medium role play. I understand how there’s this whole thing about the RP level on sage being really low, but keep in mind it isn’t supposed to be HRP, we don’t have to be massive gravel-coated asses for the littlest details just because of “Muh immersion.”

I see characters with names like Ung Glob, Named-Like-This, and it was never an issue. And yes, in my opinion lizard names count as one of those “unimmersive” names, even if it’s in their naming clause, you can’t have someone be named Hates-His-Job and be outraged as a name as innocuous as Nick Dorito. For fuck’s sake, my own character was named Joe BUTTERWORTH until recently and i’ve never even been bwoinked about it. This is either a blatant case of selective enforcement of a rule, or a sign that said rule needs to be looked at and revised.

The naming rule is supposed to be used for obvious case of name shittery like people naming themselves Adolf you-know-who, or obvious zero effort names. Nick Dorito, altough goofy sounding, doesn’t fit these.

@admins Instead of telling the obvious monke-brained morons using Dorito as an example when their characters is clearly named like trash to shut the fuck up, you punished Nick Dorito for being used as an example, despite a long history of it being okay. You are punishing a player for the wrongdoings of others, that is fucked up. Your failure to enforce the naming rule on Nick Dorito earlier should not fall onto him for just doing what he’s been doing for a long time without anyone telling him “no”. You should not be surprised at the backlash you are experiencing for this decision.