Admin’s CKEY:
Kasual Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one:
i believe mrp Ban Type:
server Ban Length:
3 days Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
Round ID:
14009 Ban Reason:
Powergaming/subverting chain of command. As non-antag on MRP, rolled around in a combat mech and broke into caps office to destroy their console because shuttle ping pong was happening.
Appeal Reason:
i see this ban invalid and ruled as ic Additional Information:
the “rolling in a mech” was me being there 7 minutes to destroy captain console whitout the condom shooting at me, the mech had 1 gun that i never used against a human,the suttle ping pong started AROUND 20 MINS IN to the end of a 2h round,everyone was ahelping you about him you did NOTHING this can be rled as munity against a incompetent head that is JUST what we did
I was sorta there, Basically from my view, shift started, me, kate, stall, nyaski, built a shuttle with the testmerged stuff, we finish the shuttle n stuff, turns out the door wasnt part of the shuttle so we tried to use blueprints to re define it. dident work, shuttle is now station. we still try figuring it out, ahelp it, cant help. meanwhile the shuttle is being pingponged(was for the whole shuttle build). I sat in the shuttle, sick of pingponing I was just kinda complaining over comms. kate probably got fed up. We had the mech because engi was doing some mining.
Thought id throw this in there just to give some background
Start of shift.
Gathered. Acquired materials. Acquired hardsuits.
Started work on ship design. Basic chassis was laid.
Fast forward.
Materials were then locked by quartermaster.
Engineering made their own mech, ore silo, and ORM to go mine.
More drama happened while I was gone regarding calling and recalling. Multiple times.
Come back to station. Materials are here. Deploy materials. Finish shuttle.
Fast forward even more, discover the shuttle is messed up, somewhere around this time Nyaski somehow dies and is cloned. The captain calls.
The captain then proceeds to call, again, and again.
The Chief Engineer, then as well, proceeds to RECALL, again and again.
This continued multiple times.
An announcement was made by Central Command stating they’d nuke the console if it happens again and the person would be missile dropped. Something like that.
Fast forward agaainnn- this threat was never followed through with.
Captain continues to call.
CE continues to recall.
A “unidentified lifesigns” announcement is made. Somewhere around here, the mech is beginning to be created.
First mech done. Kate takes it. I go back to trying to something, forgot, something shuttle related.
Second mech done. Shuttle called, and beyond recall point. Everyone starts heading to shuttle.
This is a summarized timeline of what happened over the course in that round.
Ping pong is one of the few things that is explicitly stated to be something we can handle with adminbus. I chose to flip a coin and if it landed on heads I would kill whoever called or recalled at that time. Only the cap got heads and they were gibbed. Me choosing to handle it IC means that I do not handle it out of character.
You choosing to subvert chain of command in a combat mech and destroy the captain’s console is power gaming as an engineer, as well as self-antag. An engineer does not decide that they can make a command level call and use a mech to make it happen. There were no immediate dangers to life at all.
thus, shuttle shouldn’t have been called in the first place, and many other people agreed and were capable of recalling. Kate just felt the need to stop the spam calling.
Stops annoying pingpong using combat mech(A bit excessive but dosent warrant a 3 day ban, for sure a note though)
maybe a few doors broken along with the console
3 day ban, no playing during quarantine
Other people:
Does shuttle pingpong
Trying to end shift prematurely
Spam call shuttle 20 minutes into the round cause bored
Ruin’s progress for sci’s research and engi’s building, botany’s plants, sec’s reign of terror
blown up, gets to play the next round
an engineer who had ic speak whit the captain about the crew being angry and captain not giving a fuck IS munity as he asked me “kate is this a mutiny”, i was scared of him killing me so i fleed at the start i was going to use the firefigther but it was slow so i took the durand some engi made and attacked it o it NEVER used the mech in my adventage more than shooting LITERAL GIANT SPIDERS (thats enougth reason for a mech) SLIME FLOOD (another fucking reason for a mech) SEC EXECUTING MULTIPLE CREW FOR NO REASON FOR WHAT I HEARD, so you are taking it to ooc where it is powergaming but ic where my char doesnt know what the hell is going on and is tired of captain shit,forming a litteral mutiny,AND AHELPING I THE HEADS COULD BE KILLED,you said no fair didnt hut no human just destroyed the console and warned the captain that the crew was getting fed up,you could have stoped me when i ahelped you about me reveling agaisnt the cap you did not,EVEN a sec officer cached me going to the console searched me saw i was clean and let me go telling me not to do that even if captain was retarded,the only way you made this a ban is taking it to ooc where i perfectly know what the treaths are BUT we are in a mrp server, where the heads where killing people and acting crazy there where literal GIANT BUGS powergame would been if i made a mech a bunch of iplants guns full riot gear wich i ddi not i even dropped my hardsuit because it served no purpose.
Considering you three are all talking together about how to fight this, I’ll tell you the same thing I told Pink. When I bwoinked them, they did not claim it was because of xenos, slimes, spiders or anything else. Trying to retroactively say that is the case is not genuine. Pink used that line when asking why they weren’t banned.
Our ahelp history that round
> Ticket #5: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop): gibb all of sec just DO IT
> PM: Kasual/(Kasual Greene)->Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop): Nah
> PM: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop)->Kasual/(Kasual Greene): YES thye just harmbattoned the clown
> PM: Kasual/(Kasual Greene)->Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop): I was gonna gib all of sec and engineering as a warning actually
> PM: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop)->Kasual/(Kasual Greene): do it i dont fear my death if it punishes shitsec
> Ticket #16: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop): can we ban whoever called the suttle for bullshit reasons
> PM: Kasual/(Kasual Greene)->Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop): No, they gave non-meme reasons. It seems like an IC issue
> Ticket #43: kate bishop just broke into caps office on a greenshift, presumaably as non-antag
> Ticket #38: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop): just head ban him
> PM: Kasual/(Kasual Greene)->Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop): Head ban who?
> PM: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop)->Kasual/(Kasual Greene): the 2 heads that just want to go home despite station not wanting
> Ticket #38: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop): can i legally crit the cap for being incompeent
> PM: Kasual/(Kasual Greene)->Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop): No
> PM: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop)->Kasual/(Kasual Greene): and the hos for suttle ping pong
> PM: Kasual/(Kasual Greene)->Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop): Why are you in a combat mech and previously broke into the caps room on MRP greenshift?
> PM: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop)->Kasual/(Kasual Greene): why is the cap calling the suttle whit the hos despite even centcom recalling it
> PM: Kasual/(Kasual Greene)->Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop): I never recalled it. They have every right to call the shuttle, you are powergaming by rolling around in a combat mech and tiding into the caps office as an engineer. Also not trying to reapair the station is breaking rule 13
> PM: Kate bishop/(Kate Bishop)->Kasual/(Kasual Greene): we tried
> Kasual/(Kasual Greene) has created a local temporary 2 days server ban for Kate bishop. Reason: Powergaming/subverting chain of command. As non-antag on MRP, rolled around in a combat mech and broke into caps office to destroy their console because shuttle ping pong was happening.
you could have asked me hey why did you make the mech
more than directly going for this is powergaming self antaging not fixing as engineer rule 13
never asked me hey any more ic reason
Regardless of what Neo was saying next round in OOC, I was swamped with tickets this round. I agree I should have followed through more in your ahelp. Regardless, breaking into command as a non-antag and destroying a command console without any danger or reason other than being annoyed by the recalling is not cool on MRP. Doing it with a mech makes it even worse, even if when faced with a spider you decided to go get a combat mech or something.
Also, this bwoink and ban happened way after the command console issue because I was so backed up. Long after the actual breaking into command and caps room to destroy the console, you were still in the mech roaming the halls.
not soo long it was 7 minutes when you ahelped i was going to engineering to rest in the suttle, again ic like it was totally valid to mutiny against the incompetent heads endangering the crew I DONT SEE WHERE THIS IS NON RP BEHAVIOUR WHEN ITS LITERALLY A ROLEPLAYED REVOLT. and i never powergame(atleast willingly) i try to have helm off when wearing hardsuit not to take flash prot items not to have weapons and such “unless it is a cool weapon that looks good despite of the damage” if you leave caps saber in my face on the halls i will take it for the STYLE but i dont powergame whit anything else, i will accept a note but a 3 day ban for this is out of orbit
Self-antagging includes damaging the station, attacking other players without a valid reason, and subverting the established chain of command as a non-antagonist role.
Do not collect dangerous items, weapons, or tools “just in case”. Do not wear a hardsuit, riot suit, or similar bulky/uncomfortable armor for the entire round.
You cannot mutiny for a command staff calling the shuttle. The real reason here is you wanted the greenshift round to keep going, not an actual mutiny.
no i didnt want the sift to keep going i wanted the voice and comms spawn of 2 autistic brainlets to stop so i did what everyone wanted and stoped it,calling the suttle for no reason is self antag,and yes if centcom gets really mad at us and sends a fucking d squad i would been fucking killed you can revolt because a head is just spaming comms on purpose,or do you want me to read wgw as a head and expect no repercusion
didnt wear the mech just in case i didnt want to be executed while breaking the console i could have deleted the shotgun and do the same that rule here doesnt count AT ALL whit what i explained before about the plage problem on station
“when i broke the console a giant spider attacked me giving me even more reason to stay in the mech”