Not megatron banned by caec

CKEY: Not megatron

Admin’s CKEY: whyiscaeciliustaken

Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: Both

Which server did the ban happen on? Sage

Ban Type: Global

Ban Length: 3 days

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY):

Round ID: 16845

Ban Reason: Chain detonated a dufflebag full of C4 on the shuttle as nonantag on round 16845.

Appeal Reason:
What? What is this even about? Was this meant for someone else??
Additional Information:

Oh, this. Yes, already explained, was not in the shuttle and was not intentional. Why am I banned for a mechanic I didn’t know about?

A single piece of C4 is pretty powerful on its own too - even if you didn’t intend to set off the whole thing in a chain reaction, you still willingly detonated explosives on the shuttle for no reason. The ban is relatively short and took intentions into consideration.

Again, was not on the shuttle.

A single piece of C4 is not that powerful, either. It’s not even enough to kill a person when planted directly on them, and it doesn’t cause a breach.


You are correct on the power of C4 - I have apparently only ever used X4 and thought they had the same power output, but X4 is more than twice as powerful. Additionally I have to wonder where “on the shuttle” came from now - you weren’t on shuttle and round was not even close to being over yet.

@Caecilius seems like a suicidal clown gone wrong to me. It was an unfortunate and somewhat careless mistake, but those happen. He even tried to ahelp an apology but no admins were on to see it.

Uhh, well, I misread the logs of location sorry.

This getting lifted then or… @Caecilius?

Ban has been lifted and note deleted.

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