Noodlecat Player Report 2

In-game report:

CKEY: Mc_meiler

Your Discord: mc_meiler#8054

Offender’s CKEY: Noodlecat

LRP or MRP server: LRP

Offender’s In-Game Name: L.U.M.E.N (AI)

Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 07.05.2021 (CEST time zone)

Round Number: 31057

Rules Broken: Silicon Policy, R4 Do Not Self-Antag

Incident Description: So, I’ve been dead for a while, and I mean a LONG while, to the point where I sort of just tabbed out and started playing Ghost Recon Wildlands (good game, by the way). Eventually I tabbed back in to see myself getting cloned! Hooray! …Until the AI decided to cancel my cloning process for no good reason. The CMO found me, but I had many annoying genetic mutations that made healing me impossible. So, the CMO told me to succumb and try cloning, again. And lo and behold, the AI cancelled my cloning process, again. Rinse and repeat, it cancelled my process a third time, until it got distracted by… something and let my cloning process fully run. I didn’t do anything to a human (while we had an AI) and nothing to the AI itself. From what I can tell, it just did this because “haha funny non-human”. Silicon policy states that you cannot kill all nonhumans because you think they are a threat to humans.

Additional Information: Silicons bad, oozelings good.
also there’s another player report for LUMEN here for a similar thing

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@Noodlecat anything on this one?

was pretty sure her or someone else that could be mistaken for her was doing something harmful to others, saw her being cloned and sec(or whoever was doing the hunting of valids, it was lowpop) was aware of what they were doing, also if i remember right the hop was occupuing sec with petty shit so i had to attempt to stop her from further harming humans.

By the time you joined as an AI, I’ve been dead for a good while. While both me and Wilhelmina were oozelings, we still have very different names and colours, which, in my opinion, you should have checked for before depowering the cloning bay. I also don’t believe you can hurt all nonhumans for the actions of one individual. In fact the only thing I had harmed that round was myself, if I recall correctly.

wait I was ai from round start, lots of random bullshit happend that round, so I kinda have hazy memory as to what happened, what job were you?

You were a roundstart AI? Huh, must’ve just ignored you, then, pardon me. I was the bartender. The most harm I did to a human was a shove, however.

Do AIs not hav lava land escalation, also I canceled your cloning the second time process because a human needed cloning. I do not recall doing anything that third time.

I don’t recall AIs having lavaland escalation, might want to wait on someone higher up to confirm this, though. However I do recall seeing about 3-4 corpses of mine in cloning.

Probably medbay not understanding oozelings again

Those was due to you ending my cloning process multiple times, leaving me with enough cellular damage and mutations for the CMO to not be able to fix me before I teleported away and ultimately died. For now I’ll wait on a word from Ruko, as he seems to be handling this report, however.

I only need your cloning process twice, honestly confused where other bodies came from.

Yes, AI’s have lavaland escalation for unprotected parties.

Canceling cloning (especially repeatedly) for someone that has done no wrong is not lavaland escalation. It’s just being a dick and wasting supplies. Canceling the cloning of someone who is a known threat to humans (or protected class in general) is fine.

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i am pretty sure she was doing something harmful(or at least thought she was), it was a day ago and a hectic round so i do not fully remember.

I think you just mixed me up with Wilhelmina, as she was also a floorlength bedhead oozeling. The most harmful thing I did that round was kill myself with a fire extinguisher since people were waiting for ghosts to become holoparas.

As it stands, this report is accusation Vs accusation, however I’m still of the opinion that you should’ve checked if I was actually the one harming your protected groups before aborting my clone processes.

I also don’t believe forgetting who you were hunting gives you a pass to kill/harm anyone who looks alike. Another thing I had to say was if it was okay for you to abort a running cloning process because a dead protected group member was waiting for it to finish. Isn’t this still harm for no reason?

When a brain is in a dead body it accumulates damage and traumas, traumas carry over though cloning, and harming a dead body is harmful.

It does not, even outside of a body. The worst that can happen is that it can decay but that doesnt matter when it comes to cloning.
Roundstart traumas do carry over and others dont. (thats what ive been told)

This is correct.

Random traumas can however be added if the cloning machines haven’t been upgraded.

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Prompted at start of round.




Well this is definitely the worst offender by far.

Report processed

Verdict on combined reports coming soon.



Between everything reviewed, notes and admin testimony… this could have just been straight to a permanent ban. You’ve been with us for just over a month and this is your fifth ban plus over a dozen notes.

The only reason this is not a permanent ban is because serious escalation hasn’t been taken against you so far. Your next major offense without showing substantial improvement will result in a permanent ban. Make the game fun for others around you not just for yourself.