Non-lethal SEC weapon Idea

SO, the disabler isn’t exactly an EFFECTIVE weapon when it comes to even the ONE job it has, that being non-lethal option, SUPOSEDLY for knocking down targets to close the gap and finish the job.
I’m left to ask, how often is it effectively used in that role and more importantly given the new focus on taking Tators alive, how effectively is it used in non-lethally subduing tators?

I haven’t seen it done alot and really, it speaks leagues that a laser pointed at the legs can be a more effective method of non-lethally subduing a target.

To that extent, thusly I propose the creation of a new larger variation of the Disabler similar in handling style to the Nukie’s L6-SAW.

The “Comatose” heavy disabler, would be like the aforementioned Nukie weapon in the following ways;

  • burst fire, two, maybe three projectiles fired per trigger pull, three may be abit too stronk.
  • super ungainly, no suit slot storage, no belt storage, no backpack storage, mandatory two hands wielding, want to carry it off hand? take off your backpack/satchel/duffle and sling it on your back.
  • Replaceable magazine system, in the same way you need to pop the top on the L6, then take out it’s magazine, replace it and slap the top back into “Locked” position, the “CHD” would have the same mechanism, minus the individual loading of rounds into the box mag, in favor of a standalone cell that must be placed in a recharger like any other energy weapon.

That aside, of course the fact that the Comatose fires disabler beams and is entirely non-lethal. (barring of course, the butt of the weapon is not used to gross extents)
Would this be powerful? Yes. Why have it? Well going on blue alert does warrant the use of energy guns to an extent, but how often, when e-guns are issued are they used exclusively in “Stun mode” and better question how often are they then returned to the armory after issuing?

Having exclusively one of these on station, maybe even as a non-armory issue option, would re-enforce both the non-lethal approach and SEC as a force that one should avoid as a traitor rather than directly confront.

I’ll be doing some minor sprite work to see if I can blend the designs of the disabler and L6 togeather, then I will post the results here.


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Security players when they can’t solo an entire team of antagonist with one gun.


this would look good as a shotgun disabler

Well the thing is is blue alert allows for automatic distribution of lethal weapons.

That’s why that happens.

Now for what I think needs to change for this to work.

An overhaul to alert levels in SOP.

Green: Security is allowed only what is available in lockers/vendors. This gear will be toned down to make it worth getting armory gear on blue, even if said gear is also non-lethal.
Blue: Non-lethal armoury gear(armor, the CHD, disabler Shotguns, whatever we come up with) can be distributed. Gear with a lethal mode is not allowed to be distributed. Gear distributed should absolutely be more potent than locker stuff, but not be without downsides.
Red: Anything goes. This alert level is literally described as martial law. Hand out whatever to security and possibly the crew.

Also for the sake of tracking armoury equipment I think it would be cool if we added some form of serialization to equipment, and a machine that takes an ID, and a serialized item, and puts it into a record. Maybe add a space law punishment for lost service weapons

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I’m adding a magazine layer to it at some point SOON tm, but yeah it does remind me of the compact riot shotty Warden when it’s out it’s mag, I don’t feel like a conical burst should be the case for it however and the “two shot burst” idea just sounds like a good way to up it’s fire power while not just giving it a more powerful stun bolt.

It pleases me to see the acronym friendly name already being used to this effect.

I do think it can afford a slightly more powerful bolt. We’re talking at most 5 more damage over a disabler(and disablers being nerfed damage per shot wise, but having same damage per full charge).

It’s a good fucking acronym. I don’t really care what form one of the non-lethal options comes in, the Comatose heavy disabler(be it an LMG, shotgun, whatever) is absolutely awesome.

Simple, short, and to the point.

Actually, screw it, just give Security their old standard issue hardstun tasers and hardstun batons back.

…People still remember when Security had these, yeah?

Dude I’ve just remembered this, but EVEN BACK THEN people kept saying “wow now security will just shotgun people to death with buckshots instead smh smh smh” The bad arguments never change lmao.

I mean, I’ve only been here since 2021 so the Taser and rubber shot stuff is all just loosely spoken of stuff to me.

this thread and the CHD as concepts are a result of the bickering on “Antag v Sec combat is too busted” about shotguns and how apparently they’re so despised.

Reading about the rubber shot, yeah it’s there but it’s also being loaded into a shotgun, which what is stopping a shitsec (last I heard we have alot of those) from using the Protolathe to mill off some lethal shells once they’ve been issued a shotgun? sure Warden and HoS are suposed to stop them, but tell me that’s going to happen reliably.

I’ll I’m advocating for is a big funny stam crit gun, that makes up for the anemic nature of disabler shots by having abit more power capacity and firing in a burst of two shots.

A big funny stam crit gun that you have to take the battery off to recharge, that you have to hold in two hands to use, that you have to sling on your back if you aren’t using and STILL have to aim semi-decently to land both the bolts of funny stam hurt juice.

Oh yeah and it’s got the dinky little integrated light like the one on the explo’s pistol, the kind that’s short of a sec-lite you know?

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