Job: Telecommunications Technician
Equipment: Computer tablet, full toolbelt with multitool and written instructions of how to fix Tcomms
Duty: monitoring the crews pda messages and making sure telecommunications are working properly
Extras: The AIs pet gopher when borgs are not around. Access to normal engineering lobby and AI sat. Heirloom should be a Pai or something i guess or maybe a toy AI.
Traitor special gear: Syndicate Communication Console Board? Emagged communication board i guess… without emag that is.
semmes kinda weak for a job but once tcomms are down nobody has any idea how to fix em anyway so might aswell shove the work on someone. and would keep the AI nervous if AI is malf on certain stations.
also wouldnt this just be better as something the ce gets
the ce gets a manual on tcomms and how to diagnose it in his office next to the tcomms monitor decrpytion key
if ce already has the decryption key, for tcomms, also makes sense for ce to haave the manual
he can just hand it to any engineer he deems worthy of the job if they’re up for it
More of a ghost role but Emergency Shuttle crew? i always wonder why its empty and does not have at least a pilot, a doctor and an engineer.
crew could vary between the different shuttles bought from no crew to a slightly armed crew.
Suit, briefcase. Lawyer-like access. PDA with message all function.
Similar to the Lawyer, except cares about inter-species and inter-factions relations rather than Space Law. Seen frequently trying to “improve” human - catgirl relations and the first one on scene to negotiate with bloodthirsty Giant Spiders.
Traitor specific:
Gets all the race-restricted items
Job: Station Communications Operator / “SCO”
Equipment: Centcom Officer Uniform, Headset with access to all Channels, Sunglasses, Miniature Energy Gun, Clipboard, Specialized Communications Console
Duty: Monitor the Station from a cubicle inside of Central Command with a Camera Console and your headset. Check up on Command, make note of any occurrences like deaths of any Heads or massive damage to the station. If needed, you can communicate directly with your superiors (Admins) to suggest sending in response teams or aid. Basically if a Centcom Officer decided to do what the Syndicate Comms Agent does.
Extras: Communications Console would allow you to communicate directly to the station, as in the “Incoming message from CentCom” thing, as well as being able to send a direct request to your superiors. Would roll like an Antagonist so nobody could keep going as it, and could be disabled from the game preferences menu.
equipment: BAD DUDE gets a small garage area in maintenance supplied with a baseball-bat, spray-paint and of course his BAD-ASS ATV. Maybe a skateboard too
duty: BAD DUDE’s duty is to no one other than himself and his bad attitude. Will he break into places whilst committing reckless acts of vandalism? Will he do donuts around crew bleeding out on the ground and flip the bird to sec as he peels away? Will he become the hero the station needs in its darkest moments? Only BAD DUDE can decide!
traitor gear: A goddamn V8 Interceptor! Drive a 1973 ford falcon XB GT coupe through the station’s hallways and slam the fuck out of anyone or anything in your way! A fun alt could be a toyota AE 86 that blasts eurobeat as you drift around those corners!