New Beecoin sinks, need opinions

I need suggestions for new beecoins sinks in the Beecoin Shop.
Preferrably items that are already in game, since that is wayy easier than having to port them first.
Looking for cosmetics/items that offer no real mechanical advantage.
I am adding sinks because otherwise i won’t be able to lower the cost of other items to 0 beecoins.
these are the interesting ones i found in /clothing

  • /clothing/mask/vape
    (vape might not be just cosmetic, so we might need to scartch this)

  • /suit/stripedsweater

  • /gothcoat

  • /head/collectable/petehat

  • /frankshat

  • /misc/under/patriotsuit

  • /glasses/eyepatch

  • /suit/pirate/captain

wow… after having looked at every /clothing item… i realised how few we actually have.
Any other kind of item we could add as a sink? plushies maybe?


A gold cigar/cigarette that looks like it’s lit but isn’t actually. Of course, it will be infinite and not run out like an actual cigar/cigarette since it’s just cosmetic

Mabye also code dive for other cool clothes like bragaccio helmet.


I realised, I can probably port/make a few rings/watches too. just writing here anything that comes to mind

Weird request but a fedora that can hold reagents when not being worn? Purely just want one to be one step closer to doing the Simpsons joke of ordering: “A plum floating in perfume, served in a man’s hat”.


We could always add more character slots which would certainly help our hardcore role players


i know I could use a fifth, yeah.

More purple studs
:sunglasses: :clinking_glasses:

Vape isn’t quite cosmetic so I would advise against putting it for sale.
Striped sweater would actually be kind of cool, I don’t think it’s used anywhere aside from fugitives, same for gothic coat which isn’t used anywhere on the code.
Pete hat is kinda a hat that you get from winning an emagged game of Outbomb Cuban Pete, probably not a good idea.
Patriot suit doesn’t seem to be used anywhere aside either.
Eyepatches and pirate cap’s drip? Hell yeah, as long there’s no armor it’d be cool to see it.


I fugured: we have cigars, might as well add vape. i know it can be screwdriven (?) to get a puff of smoke around you, but idk doesn’t seem noteworthy.

no armor yeah i checked.

Crossed doesn’t want that, I tried to add more once, and he argued that people should instead just donate to Byond to get more.

I have now added most of the above, including the cigar. any other ideas?

aren’t Eyepatches already a part of beecoin shop?

EDIT: also hell yeah I would love that Gothcoat

Yes, after reviewing the code i noticed they were already in lol no idea why i didnt notice them before

ok so can we get the pirate coat at the shop? I’m tired of raiding the theatre back stage to complete my pirate costume.

You should port the Skyrat Orderly coat as well.

Item sprite


On mob sprites

South, North, East, West

From what I can tell these were sprited by a person going by the name of Azarak.
If you need the .dmi , I can provide it.

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I apologize that I don’t have a picture, but there’s a suit (with flip-up hood) and mask bee costume. I’ve only seen it once, from the “Eco-terrorists raid bee shuttle” cargo event, on the body of the dead beeco terrorist. Since this is Beestation, we should have bee items.

yess, I can do that. i’d love if you could pass me the dmi.
Do you have their discord? i’d like to message them first/ask for permission

yeah, we have those too! it’s in the theatre vending machine. I don’t want to add it as a loadout since i believe it to be a tad too silly.

That’s the catch. Their discord is where you apply for a whitelist. If you aren’t whitelisted, you can’t see any channels beyond whitelisting.

That being said, their code is still AGPL3, meaning we should just be able to steal what we need, given we credit the original contributors.

And if it doesn’t pass, Bacon would let you know.

alright, two skyrat clothes from Sign in to GitHub · GitHub are ported. i’ll probably try to port watches/rings then that’s it. and i’ll start making all the other normal gear free

Beecoins are a flawed system and do more harm than good. the solution isn’t sinks, it’s setting the system on fire.