Mentor App for GiggaGuyFromSpaceLand

Your CKEY: GiggaGuyFromSpaceLand

Your Discord: goblin#0659

How long have you been playing ss13?: since august 2019

Who vouches for your experience (if anyone)?: Penwin can vouch for it

Game Experience (More Detailed): I used to be a powergamer and i know aloot of about the game.

security: I mostly play here cause i enjoy validhunting and combat can be fun (unless its againts lings). I have read space law multiple times, know brig procedure and perma brig procedure and know what role every job performs.

Medical: I know pretty much all there is to medical, advanced surgeries, virology, genetics, chemistry is my specialty as ive read the chemistry pages over and over again and even code dived and found some game breaking interactions ( that i wont share).

Service: Botany is my forte, ive spent lots of time in botany and know all about spliciing and strange seeds and the dna manipulator. Chef is pretty easy job and i know most of the recipies for it, same goes with bartender.

Science: ive done excessive amount of xenobiology so i know lots about it and robotics. Only thing i lack knowledge in is nanites as it never caught my interesst, i know some circuits but really never got involved with it. I also know how to make a maxcap toxin bomb.

Engineering: Its probbably my weakest role as i know only the basics, n2o sm setup, how to setup singulo tesla and how to fix atmos, breaches and pressure (and other misc stuff like wires, apcs and cameras).

Cargo: Cargo is fun and i know all there is about qm and cargo tech that you need to know. Im a robust miner, ive killed every megafauna atleast 100 times over and know the best and effective way to kill them

Command: I mostly only play command roles since i enjoy being in command, my favorites are HoS and captain(occasionaly cmo). I know the chain of command and head staff conduct and what every command staff does.

Antagonists: my knowledge around antagonists can be lacking somewhat, i never get to play midround antags such as space ninja so i dont know much about them. But every other roundstart antags such as cults, syndicates, heretics etc do i have aloot of experience about and advanced tricks and tips.

Playtime for GiggaGuyFromSpaceLand

  • Assistant 8h (5%)
  • Atmospheric Technician 4h (3%)
  • Bartender 50m (0%)
  • Botanist 8h (5%)
  • Brig Physician 1h (1%)
  • Captain 1h (1%)
  • Cargo Technician 1h (0%)
  • Chemist 20h (14%)
  • Chief Medical Officer 4h (3%)
  • Cook 20m (0%)
  • Cyborg 1h (1%)
  • Detective 60m (0%)
  • Paramedic 3h (2%)
  • Geneticist 2h (1%)
  • VIP 10m (0%)
  • Head of Security 16h (11%)
  • Medical Doctor 20m (0%)
  • Mime 1h (0%)
  • Quartermaster 40m (0%)
  • Scientist 5h (4%)
  • Security Officer 12h (8%)
  • Shaft Miner 27h (19%)
  • Station Engineer 20m (0%)
  • Warden 5h (4%)
  • Living 139h (100%)
  • Ash Walker 60m (0%)
  • Free Golem 50m (0%)
  • Translocated Vet 60m (0%)
  • Ghost 29h (21%)

I have about 2000 hours on other servers, most of them were lrp servers

Other to codebase servers? Can we see some of those hours? 136 hours on bee is a little low but if you have that much time on other servers you should be good if you have the knowledge

This guy is one of the most knowledgable people i know,if my word means anything i can vouch for his ammount of hours and experience

The server i played on didnt track hours played, but if you ask one of the admins on it they could vouch for the amount time ive played

That’s up to the admemes to do I guess.

What server thought?

Toolbox station, played there since i started

What code base is it on?

If it’s running off a TG code base chances are hes good

Its running TG cocebase

1: someone injects blood into a purple slime extract to get regenerative jelly but says it just turns into a used extract, why?

2: how do you revive a ling husked person

3: what’s the optimal mix for a sci maxcapp

1: When you inject blood into the extract the blood turns into regenerative jelly and the extracts gets used up. if you use a empty syringe on the used extract it will draw regenerative jelly but wont react with blood anymore

2: You can use 100u synthflesh to unhusk someone(atleast its supposed to, tried to do it twice with patch and pouring didnt work(also this was before the small update)). Or you can debrain them by either doing the brute way and using a circular saw target on the head and then pour mannitol on the brain or through surgery, then throw the brain into a cloner or transplant it into another body.

3: One cannister filled with cold tritum and oxygen (about one third trit and 2 thirds oxygen) and the other one with super heated plasma, you want the plasma to be as hot as possible and the trit/oxy mix as cool as possible, put it on a ttv and yeet it into bomb test area.

+1 or whatever I can +

Good answers but you can’t unhusk a ling victim with sythflesh. But the other method works. With just normal burn synth flesh works.


Targeting your played hours, as well as attention to changelog for recent changes.

  1. A security officer that is wearing hearing protection goes deaf from holding a flash bang as it detonated. What caused this to happen?
  • As an extension of the above, what if they go blind instead of deaf in the same scenario?
  1. Security asks a chemist (just pretend like this actually happens, okay?) for patches that will heal brute and burn damage, but also contain a non-harmful effect that hinders either escape or combat for use upon arrest. What are some chemical mixtures you might provide them?

  2. A shaft miner mhelps that they stepped away from a boss they’re fighting and applied a 50u Styptic Powder patch but they immediately fell over into crit - what happened? (Assume the patch wasn’t tampered with)

someone mhelps asking “what does the ling tentacle ability do” what do you do first, flood distro with bz or buy cbz from cargo, why.

1 Like
  1. It was cause he was holding the flashbang, if you still hold the flashbang you go deaf
    b) Having enhancments such as termal vision or sensetive organs such as moth eyes can make you blinded when using flashbangs

  2. Synthflesh patch with anything sedative, if you wanna turbo knock em out you can use zombiepowder but that requires carpotoxin and you would have to mix a bit of antitox for the toxin damage. Want them to sleep morphine but it takes a while to set in so i wouldnt reccomend it. Pax works if you wanna keep them from using any harmful actions like aggro grab or shooting anything lethal. But the best combo would be synthflesh and bonehurting juice, synthflesh that will cause them to take the stamina damage if they have brute or burn wounds and then bonehurting juice which will keep them stamcritted due to it only dealing stam damage(unless youre a skeleton, dont use it on skeletons, it will kill them).

  3. Due to the current changes which is that styptic, synthflesh and silversulf causes stamina damage on usage, so stepping away and applying styptic powder probbably put them in stamcrit due to the pain and thats why they are unrobust and should stick to medipens and legion cores.

(side note, fenlinds are also more suspectible to deafening effects of the flashbang)

Greytide into chem, make a pottasium water lance and bum rush them obviously (this is joke pls no ban)


Good enough for a +1 from me.

You should look into Atropine and Sulfonal sometime :wink:

I avoided sulfonal due to its toxicity and atropine due to only causing dizzyness, bone hurting juice is the superior nonlethal option considering it can put you into stamcrit for a long while