Mentor App for GiggaGuyFromSpaceLand

Sulfonal is 100% harmless, 22 ticks to knock out and 0.05u/tick metabolized. 5u is a 4 minute knockout with a 1 minute delay before being knocked out and no side-effects

Atropine causes dizziness and jittering and makes the player unable to hold items in their hands for its duration. It stops healing at 20 HP so target stops healing once they’re stabilized but while they’ll still be slowed from low HP. It also has quite a slow metabolization at 0.1u/tick.

Atropine was one of the ones changed slightly along with Synthflesh and such, but Sulfonal has been this way for as long as I’ve known about it. Even before the change that made it cause you to drop things constantly, Atropine would have been a good solution for the healing portion of question 2

Huh, correct me if im wrong, but is sulfonal being nonlethal supposed to be intentional?

I looked into the wiki, and its supposed to deal damage every 2 cycles, then i tried it in game and you do take toxic damage, but only during the part where youre awake, you take atleast 10 toxin damage.

Then i looked into the sulfonal code, and its coded in a way that makes me believe that it was intended that to continue deal damage, but its written in a way that once the reagent reaches cycle 22 it puts you to sleep but thats it.

am i missing something here?

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maybe ruko meant its harmless to keep someone asleep with it, use morphine for the first 22 ticks then use suffonal

Ruko meant that Ruko knows what it does through experience and somehow didn’t realize it was supposed to continue doing toxin damage.

The man is right, this is almost certainly a bug and I should have been killing those people I was nonharmfully taking down.

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Tfw mentor application leads to disocovery of a bug


I think there should be more non lethal knockout chems/any you are stuck with only morphine/zombie powder as it is

Chloral hydrate is pretty underrated, makes someone drowsy and confused cycle 1-10 and has a chanche to put them asleep after that, though it can be pretty random. Works good if you mix it with morphine, just dont put too much of it or you can kill them if its in them beyond cycle 50

name = “Sulfonal”
description = “A stealthy poison that deals minor toxin damage and eventually puts the target to sleep.”
silent_toxin = TRUE
reagent_state = LIQUID
color = “#7DC3A0
metabolization_rate = 0.125 * REAGENTS_METABOLISM
toxpwr = 0.5

if(current_cycle >= 22)
M.Sleeping(40, 0)
return …()

toxpwr should be doing 0.5 dmg a tick

Morphine (easy addiction), Chloral (toxin*), Diphenhydramine (slow/weak), Sulfonal (toxin)

Chloral is the easiest to get and overall the least harmful for how quickly it KOs, but it has a major downside if you keep someone knocked out too long - exponential toxin damage. Not related to dosage or overdose, purely how long they’re asleep for


someone should add propofol or something and make it non lethal rip michael jackson

I love it, 45u and someone gets knocked out for a long time and almost instantly.

+1 Very good answers.

I count a total of +4

good answers, and plus, h o ur s
welcome to purgatory

+1, yesyes
T: +6

Was a CMO main on Toolbox. Knew his shit there too 1+

Not to mention a Lawful Netural I guess

Good to see youre still active jack

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+1 good memetor material

It’s at 8+ accept it and let this mentor into the never ending pain of atmospheric questions that you never understand

Accepting at +8, how to set taser to lethal?