How long have you been playing ss13?: January 2020 (current account was made in may, i had a different pc and forgot my old login stuff and Ckey)
Who vouches for your experience (if anyone)?: maybe i dont know
Game Experience (More Detailed): 122h living 22 ghost. i know most service things, i know my way around lavaland and science i can make a 40k point maxcap in 30 mins with tier two freezers and i can do some xenobiology . med i dont know too much about it i can do most surgery’s and procedures but not off the top of my head. engi i can do a basic n2 setup for the SM but not much else. I like to play AI i know how to do almost everything with AI. I just want to say my hours are a bit low but i have about 150 on TG so about 300 living hours.
can you get us a pic of your hours from the “tracked playtime” command in the OOC tab? And what server? Also: how good is your google-fu? And how do I set up cryo?
Not currently on my pc I can get it tomorrow, by google-fu do you mean using the wiki? And for cryo wrench the o2 cans to the connectors make sure all pipes are set up going into the cryo tubes and freezer. Set the freezer to lowest it can go. Make sure the doors open when patient is healed (set something to automatic) and put beakers filled with whatever Chem desired mostly cryoxadone
I tell him he needs to fix the pipes under the floor tiles, to do so he needs a crowbar and someway to lay pipes. I don’t play med too often so I can’t remember if cryo is broken round start.
I’m not to sure about the bartender one
styptic powder is the most basic brute healing chem there are others
Purple slime orange extract will make a little bit of meth which makes you go fast
Ambrosia Gaia and put a lot of saltpetre on it.
-how do you set up a t4 singlo
-what chemistry explosive is the most powerful
-whats the easiest way to make power as a eng if there is no power and the sm blew up
-whats the easiest way to make power as the qm/cargotech if there is no power and the sm blew up
1: I have never set up a singlo but I think you have to make sure it doesn’t escape (don’t know myself how to do this) and feed it mass/energy
2 meth or nitro I think they are about the same
3 Smems or solars
4 cargo tesla
Seems promising but hours are just a bit too low. Knowing how to craft the beer goggles (and other sunglasses huds) is pretty basic, as is knowing science goggles do the exact same thing (just get sunglasses and sci goggles and some cable and a screwdriver, hit the little crafting menu button, and, with all the items on the ground/a table/in your hands, hit craft). Mentor Questions are either usually really basic stuff, really weird sounding stuff because people don’t always know how to explain the problem, or really weird and obscure stuff like “what’s in these antimatter control crates” that doesn’t really even show up on the wiki for cargo.