Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one:
Which server did the ban happen on? Not sure
Ban Type: Server
Ban Length: Permanent
Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 2020-10-05
Round ID: 22216
Ban Reason: As syndie comms agent posted WGW on common. You know it is forbidden.
Appeal Reason: I sort of get it, but at the same time the task of a syndicate comms agent is to disrupt the station. It’s a silly copypasta and not actual ERP, and in the context used to try and get a crewmember lynched while being a syndicate comms agent.
The copypaste was posted once while pretending to be the warden (If I remember correctly) and nearly did get a lynch mob going. After that it mostly went on into a Syndicate Radio Show
I do feel the server went into a weird flex mode after the soft-erp Zane Velvet shuffle, but my bad for pulling this move.
You know, I’ll even get these few logs for you tomorrow, but you knew exactly what you were doing. I refuse to believe that you wanted to ‘have someone lynched’, and that it was your only intention.
Pinging @GameAdmin to have second opinion.
Well, fuck if I know. You have a lot of hours on bee and decided to go with ERP pasta, if you were to randomly plasmaflood the station, should we go easy on you too? You knew this shit is permabannable, but let’s wait for more input.
I never denied what I did, I explained why I did it. My bad for doing so, was just trying to get a dude lynched while syndicomms, didn’t spam it as well.
But if you make accusations of ulterior motives, back them up at least.
Okay let me rephrase that so we are on the same page. You are on Bee longer than I am, you have more than 1000 hours played on Bee. You know EXACTLY what happens to people posting ERP copypastas, because you have a lot of experience. But even with that experience and knowledge you decide to post WGW to frame someone. Sorry but this sounds super shitty. Let’s just wait for other admins, okay?
I’ve never been banned for something like this, and honestly I was just acting in the spirit of a syndicate comms agent, to turn the crew on each other. Which nearly worked but the guy had loudchat headset
Okay last response for today, even if community hates something, I follow rules made by host/headmins/council, not random votes on forum. You may hate it, but this is how it is, and I will not stop just because there was a forum vote, sorry.
Keep it in place.
Looks like you got syndie coms and thought “hah I can change name nobody will discover my clever ruse so I can post WGW ERP pasta and get off free!”
Maybe I mistake the intent in which you wrote that but seems like a weird flex to give some one an opinion which they didn’t have. Or perhaps didn’t articulate that well. It seems like filling it in.
As said, it was meant to try to have the crew lynch the individual, nothing more nothing less.
Nonono, erotic means that you can get off on it. This is just a vulgar, NSFW and of course heavily innapropriate peace of work. Against the rules, but not erotic; a shitty erotica at best.
This. If it was an actual erotic story, such as the lusty xenomorph maid, I’d be advocating for it to stick. This is just a shitty copypasta. Lift it and put him on thin ice.
WGW is extremely erotic and sexual in nature. There is no room to argue it is not.
To quote you directly from the last one:
Time invested and ‘contributions’ shouldn’t make you exempt from rules, especially ERP rules bruh
You’ll be missed, but you shouldn’t get to weasel your way out of it just because it’s you - the second chance for copypastas was passed so we could allow people who didn’t know our stance on them a second chance before facing a permanent removal. You not only know our stance on them, but were part of the driving force for re-establishing just how unacceptable any level of erotic content is.
And while I have no proof of ulterior motives because I’m not you and am not in your head, you have previously spread misinformation about the server in an attempt to discredit us on our enforcement of this policy.
I like how WGW is bad erotic, yet " Fuck Wucky"announcement is fine and dandy. Also you yourself made a poll in which almost 3/4 of voters wanted to make server 18+ rather than ban copypastas. ERP hate and baning for it was a thing on SS13 as far as i can remember yet stuff like WGW was never even considered remotely erotic. Is it annoying? Ye. Should spamming it over and over be punishable? Ye. Should using it once or twice for shits and giggles be comperable to real ERP? Ne.
Its like with bikini. I am sure wearing bikini in 1930 was reserved for prostitutes. Now its just an outfit with no significant erotic connotations. With WGW its the same. But we regressed.We somehow made a non erotic, disgusting, meme copypasta count as a fucken ERP. Quo Vadis?
I never advocated for the removal of copypastas. I specifically also defended some one who made a joke anouncement and got banned for it. I’m pretty sure I also voiced my opinion on that matter how it seemed some kind of weird reflex (oh we have to punish zane? Fine we’ll punish everyone).
Making some gotcha comment saying I was a driving force against all erotic content, even the memish shit like copypastas or obvious jokes and not actually the erotic roleplay between players is a bit disingenuous but honestly it doesnt surprise me at this point.
At the end of the day though it is what it is. Rules are rules so sayonara I guess.
And that supposed ‘misinformation’ spread I can think off was discussing on another server’s discord (while telling people to actually not raid Bee) that Kev basically got away with the pregnant loli pig pic, zoey was allowed to defend child pornography as art, a former admin low-key tried to child groom at least one community member and another was in some discord erp server with minors. Not sure what of that is false but whatever
And this is still what I personally want. What I personally want and what the server currently is are not the same. It’s not right to enforce the rules you want over what is actually there either though.
No but you sure pushed for the removal of someone you didn’t like while defending someone you did for very similar offenses, with the one you were defending being substabtially worse in my opinion.