Maxoesss Ban Appeal

Just to add, bee is advertised as a beginner friendly server. If I was a new player and my first round was some comms agent spamming WGW and erotic cooypastas I’d back the fuck out. And with the recent tides and tubers making more videos on ss13. There are bound to be more minors joining. I don’t got anything to do with this nor any authority. It’s just my opinion

Also wasn’t she allowed on the discord and site even after making extremely serious borderline ddox/swat threats which she begged from kevster? hmmmm

“No erotic content is to be posted in OOC or IC as the server contains minors”

What do you consider woody got wood, do consider it material that would be safe to say to a kid? The entire paragraph is sexually explicit.

If you get amusement from posting sexually explicit paragraphs you should visit a containment server and eat your heart out doing it, we do not welcome it one bit on here.

You knew the rules and reaped the consequences, end of mate.

You know the rules, and so do I.


Are you serious right now, do you not understand there is rules for a reason?

Also how exactly does this ‘thread’ relate to you in any capacity?

Going to wait for mat to reply, shouldn’t be this much peanut gallery

I am just reading responses, not going to make a decision right now.

Well but if you look at this, two headadmins being against unbanning + other admins and people. Sorry mate but you knew it’s gonna be like this. Ban stays.